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The legend is that the who favoured the:

Greeks were: Hera, Athena, and Thetis. GODS who were uncommitted were: Zeus, Hades, Hermes, Iris, Persephone and Demeter.

Trojans were: Aphrodite, Apollo, Poseidon, and (for a while) Athena.

Uncommitted were: Zeus, Hades, Hermes, Iris, Persephone and Demeter.

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1mo ago

Troy is believed to have worshipped a variety of gods, including Zeus, Apollo, Athena, and Aphrodite, among others. The Trojan gods and goddesses played significant roles in their mythology and were often invoked in daily life and rituals.

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13y ago

Poseidon. Does anyone know who the people were who worshiped troy as a holy city?

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What are three ways you worship god?

Three ways to worship God include prayer, attending religious services, and practicing acts of service and kindness towards others. Each individual may have their own unique ways of worshiping based on their beliefs and practices.

Which phrase refers to the right to worship way one chooses?

The phrase that refers to the right to worship as one chooses is "freedom of religion." This fundamental human right grants individuals the liberty to practice any religion or none at all, without discrimination or interference from the government or other people.

Worship leader kicked out of heaven because of pride?

The Bible does not mention a worship leader being kicked out of heaven because of pride. The story of Lucifer, who rebelled against God due to his pride and was cast out of heaven, is often associated with this concept. Lucifer was not a worship leader but an angel who desired to be like God.

Did ishmael and esau worship the same god as Abraham?

Yes, Ishmael and Esau did worship the same God as Abraham, who is considered the patriarch of the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam). They all followed the monotheistic faith that believes in one God.

What are the forms of worship?

Forms of worship can include prayer, meditation, singing hymns or spiritual songs, participating in rituals or ceremonies, reading sacred texts, attending religious services, fasting, acts of service or charity, and expressing gratitude. Worship practices can vary across different religions and belief systems.

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What is the fall of Troy a god of?

The "fall of Troy" was not a god. Troy was a city.

Who is god that you worship?

marasive i worship god in a methodist church

What religion does God worship?

God doesn't worship anyone because he is the creator himself...but its important that we worship him.

What did the christians believe about worship?

Christians worship God. We often worship with our hands up in the air in worship towards God.

Worshippers of one god?

Christians worship one God. We worship the only God. Monotheists.

What day is the true day to worship God?

Sunday is the day to worship God. You should really worship God all days of the week.

How does a Christian woman worship God?

Christian women can worship God by singing praises to His name or about Him. A woman may also worship God by reading the bible verses of worship and praise .

Why Christians worship jeasus?

Christians believe him to be God and therefore worship him as God.

When was Worship God created?

Worship God was created on 2002-02-26.

Do Islam worship one god?

Yes They worship One God,Allah.

Do angels worship god in heaven?

Angels do worship GOD in heaven, this is their sole purpose, to worship honor and adore GOD. There is nothing God loves more than a worshipper.

What do hindus do to worship there god?

why do there worship ganeha