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Q: What goods are goods sold in the same country in which they are produced?
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What are goods and services produced outside of the country in which they are sold?


What are goods carried out from countries are called?

Goods carried out from countries are called exports. These are products and commodities that are produced in one country and sold to another country for consumption or trade.

What does it mean when they use the phrase Supply in the global economy?

Goods and services are produced in one country and imported to another to be sold to consumers.

What are things bought from other countries called?

Goods or products bought from other countries are typically referred to as imports. This term distinguishes them from goods produced and sold within the country, known as domestic goods.

Why do consumers directly benefit from greater productivity?

Goods and services are produced faster and can be sold more cheaplyGoods and services are produced faster and can be sold more cheaply.It is easier to compare prices. Goods and services are produced faster and can be sold more cheaply.

Goods sold by a country?

Goods that are sold from one country to another are called exports. 28% of the goods exported by the United States are capital goods, and 25% are industrial supplies and materials.

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Taxes levied on goods made or sold within a country are called what?

taxes levied on goods made or sold within a country are called excise taxes.

What was one result of increased advertising after World War 1?

Americans bought more consumer products More goods were produced and sold -More people bought on credit.

What is the difference between domestic market and the export market?

The primary difference between a domestic market and an export market is the payment is made in a foreign convertible currency. Further, the goods produced in India need to be shipped abroad in exchange for payment to be treated as an export. There is a good import-export business practice that one can learn from online exim courses.

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What are goods produced outside of the United States that are sold and shipped for use in the US?