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It wasn't a governor but the monarchy of Spain.

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Q: What was the governor of what who sent Cortes to conquer Mexico?
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Why was Hernando Cortes sent to Mexico?

Hernando Cortes Was Sent To Mexico to Find Gold In The Land Of Aztecs.

Was Hernando Cortes sent or did he decide?

he was send out to claim new lands and conquer them for Spain.

Who sent Hernan Cortes to Mexico?

In 1518 Diego Velazquez put him in command of an expedition to explore and secure the interior of Mexico for colonization. At the time he was still Mayor of the capital of Cuba. At the last minute Velazquez changed his mind and removed Cortes from the command, but Cortes in a show of open defiance /mutiny ignored the orders and went ahead with the expedition.

When did Cortes take over Cuba?

Cortes never took over Cuba. In 1511 he joined an expedition to Cuba and became mayor of the province of Santiago, the governor of Cuba sent him off on an expedition to Mexico. He never returned to Cuba.

What explorer conquered Aztec?

Hernan Cortes (1485-1547) conquered the Aztecs in present-day Mexico, while Francisco Pizarro (1478-1541) conquered the Inca in Peru. Note both were conquistadors, not explorers (e.g. both were sent by the Spanish crown to claim/conquer lands for the Spanish Empire).

What was the name of the Habsburg prince sent to conquer Mexico?

Maximilian I of Habsburg (6 July 1832 - 19 June 1867).

What country sent Hernan Cortes?

He was a Spanish conquistador.

What was the purpose of Hernando Cortes voyage?

He was sent by Spain to find gold and/or to colonize the area below the New World. He ran into the Aztecs and brought down their empire with the aid of the Native Tribes they had conquered. This is all in present day Mexico.

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yes because he was sent to conquer earth and not save it.

Who sent Francisco Pizarro to conquer the Incas?


What was Moctezuma's dilemma?

He thought that Cortes was a god, Quezalcoatl, but he was not. He sent Cortes gifts but warned him against coming to Tenochtitlan.

Why did Montezuma believe Cortes was?

a god that was sent to come back