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hi people i dont really know the answer but i just want to talk to you guys i have 2 chat later k peeps bye luy

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Herpes affects people of all ages, but is most commonly seen in adults aged 20 to 29 years old. It can affect both men and women equally.

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Q: What group of people does herpes affect the most?
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Which group of people will air pollution affect the most?

It effect's the people the smoke more because when the smoke the lungs become BLACK and as they inhale the bad stuff in the air the the lungs will worsen.

What age group does Pityriasis rosea most commonly affect?

Pityriasis rosea is most common in young adults, and appears up to 50% more often in women

Herpes Infection?

One of the most common sexually transmitted diseases is also the hardest to detect and one of the most embarrassing to contract. Herpes is a virus that is transmitted through sexual contact and can be very difficult to detect in a sexual partner. It is difficult to spot because it has a similar appearance to simple acne in some people, though it can be severe and obvious in others. The good news is that herpes is not fatal and has few long term health consequences. The bad news is that herpes is incurable and will never go away. Anyone that finds they have been infected with herpes is immediately mortified. It makes them feel dirty and unattractive. It is important that anyone with herpes realize that it can happen to the best of people and is not typically a reflection of the sexual promiscuity of that person. There are a few things that anyone with herpes should be aware of and work towards addressing as soon as possible. Herpes affects every person differently. In some people it creates huge sores on the mouth and genitalia while other people rarely have outbreaks. It is important to know that the herpes infection flares up once a month and is far more contagious during that week than during other parts of the month. It is also important that any sexual partners be warned before sexual activity that they are at risk of contracting the disease. In some states it is considered a crime to not give warning to someone that they are at a high risk of contracting an incurable disease, so it is best that any potential partner be informed for protect both individuals. Contracting herpes is an embarrassing issue that most people do not want to discuss. It is important that anyone with the disease talk to a doctor as soon as symptoms are noticed. There are medications that can help control the obvious signs of a herpes infection, though none of them are capable of curing the disease. It is also vital that any potential lovers are given advanced warning that they are highly likely to get infected.

Can you sleep in the same bed with someone who has shingles?

Shingles is a herpes virus know as chicken pox (herpes zoster) when it occurs as a child. When it reoccurs in an adult it is called shingles. Chicken pox is contagious but Shingles is not contagious if you had Chicken pox as a child. The most dangerous effect of herpes zoster is when the lesions occur on your retina.

What age group is most likely to die from smoking?

Individuals over the age of 45 are more likely to die from smoking-related causes, as they have had longer exposure to the harmful effects of smoking. However, smoking can affect individuals of all age groups, increasing the risk of various health conditions and premature death.

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How do humans affect?

Herpes can affect people in a few ways. Emotionally it can devastate some people to find out that they have it. Most people don't think that they can get herpes. Any one that has intercourse is at risk of contracting it. It's a change to some people and also some people don't know a lot about it so it can be scary at first for them to deal with having it. Physically herpes commonly affects the skin on the mouth causing cold sores or on the genitals causing genital herpes. Break outs can vary in symptoms, the initial break out is usually the most pain full thing one may ever experience. Some people with herpes also report having lower back pains or leg pain around the time they have a break out. Besides that herpes shouldn't affect your life all that much, it shouldn't hold you back from doing what you want with your life.

What age bracket herpes dose it affect the most?

Herpes can affect individuals of any age, but it is most commonly seen in young adults between the ages of 20-29 due to factors such as sexual activity. However, herpes can also affect older adults and even children who may be exposed to the virus through non-sexual means.

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If your mom had herpes would you be born with it?

You would only be likely to get herpes if your mother had genital herpes and you caught the infection when she had an outbreak at the time of birth. Most people don't get herpes at birth, even if their mothers are infected.

How long can live when you are having herpes?

Herpes will not affect lifespan. Almost everyone has the oral form of herpes simplex virus. Both the oral and genital forms integrate into our genomes after we are infected and will cause periodic outbreaks. As time goes on these will most likely become less and less frequent. Therefore people who have had genital herpes for decades will have fewer outbreaks in a year, or possibly none at all. This does not indicate that they have been "cured" or no longer have the virus as they are still able to spread the infection while asymptomatic.

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Which group of people will air pollution affect the most?

It effect's the people the smoke more because when the smoke the lungs become BLACK and as they inhale the bad stuff in the air the the lungs will worsen.