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Q: What hAppens when your synapses don't WoRk?
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What happens to synapses throughout life?

Synapses that are not in use will atrophy and die. We are born with more than we need and the ones we use strengthen, the rest die

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What happens at a synapses?

The transfers that happens in the synapses conduct biochemical information from the neuron cells. The synapse, or synaptic cleft is the gap between to neuron cells. Nerotransmitters are chemicals that are released from one neuron (known as the pre-synaptic) and bond to receptors on the receiving neuron (known as the post-synaptic). The transfers that happens in the synapses conduct biochemical information from the neuron cells.

Where does synapses take place?

The synapses take place in the spinal cord

When does a human brain work best?

At birth, the synapses in the brain are most active at this time in a persons life.

How does acpu and memory work together?

There is a very simple biological answer. The acpu and the memory synapses make sweet love then they are combined and work together.