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The front half flooded first and sank first.

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Q: What half of the Titanic sunk first?
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How long were the pasengers on the titanic until it sunk?

A few hours but when it let water in CRACK!! It was split in half and sunk :(

How can you use Titanic in a sentence?

the titanic was sunk by an iceberg the titanic was sunk by an iceberg

Why will the titanic never be rising?

because it sunk and it has burried its bottom half in the ground#

The Titanic sunk after it hit what?

The Titanic sunk after it collided with an iceberg.

What was the name of the sea that the Titanic sunk in?

The Titanic sunk in the Atlantic ocean.

Who sunk Titanic?

No one sunk the Titanic. It hit an iceberg and sank.

Who lived when the titanic sunk?

There were 712 survivors in the lifeboats after Titanic sunk.

Was it the Olymppic or the Titanic that sunk?


Who fired the first rocket on the Titanic?

It sunk because it had struck an iceberg.

Who discover the Titanic?

The titanic was found by DR DAVID BALLARD 80 years after first sunk hope this helps

What speed was the titanic going during freefall?

The pieces of Titanic sunk two-and-a-half miles in about five or six minutes, which is about 25-27 mph.

Where was the titanic on it way to and from when it sunk?

Titanic was heading to New York City when she sunk on her maiden voyage.