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Q: What happen in paper clip when bend?
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bend a paper clip

The capacity of a paper clip?

The exact capacity of a paper clip can vary depending on its size and thickness, but typically a paper clip can hold up to around 20-30 sheets of paper securely. However, trying to exceed this limit may cause the paper clip to bend or lose its grip.

What would happen when you attach a paper clip to your paper airplane?

put the paper clip at the front f the paper helps the airplane to fly!

What will happen to the paper clip when a sheet is placed between the bar magnet and the paper clip?

Magnetic filed of the bar magnet will penetrate a paper. Hence the clip will be attracted and stick to the magnet pressing the paper too to the magnet.

How many curves in a standard paper clip?

Three, bend it in a square to check

What can happen when you rub a magnet on a paper clip?

A paper clip is made up of iron or steel. It consists of particles called domains which are randomly arranged. When a magnet is rubbed on a paper clip, the domains arrange themselves in one direction. Thus it gets magnetized and behaves as a magnet.

Take a paper clip and two pencils create a homemade compass you may not bend or break the paper clip how many different size circles can you make?

You lay down the paper clip on a sheet of paper and use one of the pencils to hold the clip in place pointed side down. Next you take the other pencil and start drawing the circle. You can find a video on youtube that illustrates it. My son had this as a homework assignment, I found it very useful.

Who discover paper clip?

The paper clip was not discovered. It was invented.

What does a magnent do to a paper clip?

The paper clip clings to the the magnet

If you have a a magnet stuck to the nail then a paper clip stuck to the nail then you take the magnet away and the nail in the paper clip are still together why did that happen?

The magnet induced magnetic properties in the nail and the paper clip, causing them to attract each other. When the magnet was removed, the induced magnetism in the nail and paper clip allowed them to remain attracted to each other.

What weighs the same as a paper clip?

A red paper clip

1 property of a paper clip?

There are only one property of a paper clip. The property to a paper clip is the testing.