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The price for the good increases

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Sonny Borer

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2y ago
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13y ago

The price goes up.

Actually, no. Take a look at the category. It is asking for what happens when you have an increase in the public demand, but you do not have enough supply to give to the public. In that case, the answer is a shortage. A surplus is like a shortage, but in reverse. You have more inventory than you have the demand for it.

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Q: What happen increase in demand and decrease in supply?
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How is the law of supply similar to the law of demand?

If the demand for a commodity increases, but the supply does not increase equally, the price will increase. If the supply of a commodity increases, but the demand for that commodity does not increase equally, the price will decrease. If the demand for a commodity decreases, but the supply does not decrease equally, the price will decrease. If the supply of a commodity decreases, but the demand does not decrease equally, the price will increase.

What are the basis of an increase or decrease in supply?

demand in supply is the basis of it's increase and decrease

Is this a change in supply or demand of oranges is it an increase or decrease what will happen to the price of oranges why is this a rip off?

There is often a change in supply and demand of oranges.

Is this a change in the supply or demand of swimsuits why is it an increase or decrease what will happen to the price of swimsuit why is this a rip off?

A change in the supply and demand of swimsuits often occurs.

State what the law of supply and demand shows and describe how it works?

If the demand for a commodity increases, but the supply does not increase equally, the price will decreaase. If the supply of a commodity increases, but the demand for that commodity does not increase equally, the price will increase. If the demand for a commodity decreases, but the supply does not decrease equally, the price will increase. If the supply of a commodity decreases, but the demand does not decrease equally, the price will decrease

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How is the law of supply similar to the law of demand?

If the demand for a commodity increases, but the supply does not increase equally, the price will increase. If the supply of a commodity increases, but the demand for that commodity does not increase equally, the price will decrease. If the demand for a commodity decreases, but the supply does not decrease equally, the price will decrease. If the supply of a commodity decreases, but the demand does not decrease equally, the price will increase.

What are the basis of an increase or decrease in supply?

demand in supply is the basis of it's increase and decrease

Is this a change in supply or demand of oranges is it an increase or decrease what will happen to the price of oranges why is this a rip off?

There is often a change in supply and demand of oranges.

Is this a change in the supply or demand of swimsuits why is it an increase or decrease what will happen to the price of swimsuit why is this a rip off?

A change in the supply and demand of swimsuits often occurs.

State what the law of supply and demand shows and describe how it works?

If the demand for a commodity increases, but the supply does not increase equally, the price will decreaase. If the supply of a commodity increases, but the demand for that commodity does not increase equally, the price will increase. If the demand for a commodity decreases, but the supply does not decrease equally, the price will increase. If the supply of a commodity decreases, but the demand does not decrease equally, the price will decrease

How does the law of supply and demand increase and decrease in supply?


If A decrease in price of a product will result in?

increase in demand and decrease in supply.

When will happen if the sellers in the market increase?

As the Number of Sellers Increases, the Supply of the commodity Increases. As Supply Increases, and demand remains constant, Prices Decrease.

What will happen if Aggregate demand increases and aggregate supply decreases?

An increase in aggregate demand and a decrease in aggregate supply will result in a shortage: there will be more goods and services demanded than that which is being produced.

What will happen if Aggregate demand increases and aggregate supply increases?

An increase in aggregate demand and a decrease in aggregate supply will result in a shortage: there will be more goods and services demanded than that which is being produced.

If a company raises its price for holidays over the equilibrium price the demand will decrease the supply?

decrease and the supply will increase.

What would happen to supply if demand when up?

supply will increase.