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There are two main factors.

First, moisture in the air condenses as a result of decompression inside a tornado, producing the visible funnel cloud.

Second, a tornado's winds lift dirt and debris into the air, forming a debris cloud or dust whirl

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3w ago

Tornadoes become visible when they pick up dust, debris, or water vapor, which creates a condensed swirling funnel cloud. This presence of the debris and moisture makes the tornado more visible against the sky or landscape.

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Are there such things as Blue Tornadoes?

No their are no such things as blue tornadoes only GOD can make that happen

Where can tornadoes happen?

Tornadoes can happen in any place that gets thunderstorms.

Why do tornadoes happen in Miami?

Tornadoes happen in Miami for the same reason they happen anywhere else. See the related question for how tornadoes form in general.

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Tornadoes can happen in Ottawa. Canada does get tornadoes, though not as often as the U.S. due to its cooler climate.

Where in the world can tornadoes can happen?

Tornadoes can happen anywhere in the world except cold areas like Antarctica and the north pole. Tornadoes are mostly common in United States.

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Most tornadoes in the U.S. happen in spring and early summer.

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Tornadoes happen in the summer every year.

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Tornadoes can happen anywhere - they're usually formed from severe thunderstorms.

Can tornadoes happen in the Philippines?

Yes. Tornadoes, including some significant ones, can and do happen the the Philippines.

Can tornadoes collide to make even bigger tornadoes?

It can happen, but it is rare. When tornadoes do merge it usually involves a large tornado absorbing a small one, so the size of the vortex will not be significantly influenced.

Are tornadoes visible from space?

No. Tornadoes descend from severe thunderstorms. The view from above is blocked by the parent storm.

When did Sicily Tornadoes happen?

Sicily Tornadoes happened in 1851.