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it becomes hot for about |00c

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1d ago

When water is boiled for a long time, it will eventually evaporate and turn into steam. The water level will decrease as it evaporates, leaving behind concentrated minerals and impurities in the remaining water. Continued boiling can also lead to the buildup of scale or sediment in the pot.

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How long does contaminated water need to be boiled to make it safe?

it needs to be boiled for about 3 minutes at sea level.

How long does boiled water take to evaporate?

This depends on many factors.

Can seeds germinate in cooled boiled water?

Seeds can germinate in cooled boiled water, so long as the water is no longer warm or hot. The act of boiling will actually clean the water, causing it to be sterile.

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No, water boiled for one hour and water boiled for ten minutes will reach the same maximum temperature of 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit) under normal atmospheric conditions. The difference is just the amount of time it takes to reach that temperature.

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Boiling water can accelerate the rusting process of an iron nail because it increases the rate of oxidation. The heat in the boiling water speeds up the chemical reactions that lead to the formation of rust on the metal surface.

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No. The intense volcanic activity on Io boiled off any water long ago. There is probably liquid water under the surface of Europa.

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It will die

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When you boil water the oxygen content is reduced to zero. (All gasses are driven out,) Boiling it longer doesn't have much effect.

When you take heat from water it turns into?

Boiling water will produce steam (water vapour). Eventually, if boiled long enough, all the water will have evaporated, with the risk of the bottom of the pan or kettle melting.

How long can you keep boiled hamburger on the counter?

You can keep boiled hamburger on the counter for about 30 minutes.

What causes the black ring around a boiled egg and how long should you boil and egg for hard boiled?

The black ring i caused by letting the cooked egg sit in the hot water - to make sure it doesn't have a dark ring dunk egg in cold water as soon as it is cooked.

How long does it take for water to grow bacteria after its been boiled?

Pure water and most chlorinated drinking water lacks the nutrients needed for bacterial growth. If the water is left uncovered though enough dust may get into the water for some bacterial growth.