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It becomes ADP + P

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Q: What happends when a phosphate group is removed from atp?
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When is ATP releases energy?

when a phosphate group is removed

What is left when a phosphate group is removed from an ATP?


When is energy released from ATP?

( a phosphate group is removed.) when the chemical bond between the second and third phosphate groups is broken, creating adenosine diphosphate, a phosphate group, and releasing energy.

When is energy released in ATP when?

Energy is released when phosphate group is removed.

When a phosphate group is removed from an ATP molecule what type of molecule is formed?

when a phosphate group is removed from ATP energy is released and the molecule ADP is formed.

What is released to be used by the cell when a phosphate group is removed from an ATP molecule?


Energy is released from an ATP molecule for cellular processes when it?

has a phosphate group removed

When is energy released from a APT molecule?

I don't know what APT is, but ATP (adenosine triphosphate) releases energy when a phosphate group is removed from the rest of the ATP. When the bond that holds the phosphate group to the rest of the ATP is broken, it releases energy. The products are ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and a free phosphate group.

What is the fate of the phosphate group that is removed when the ATP is converted to ADP?

It is acquired by a reactant in an endergonic reaction.

What is the fate of the phosphate group that is removed when ATP is converted to ADP?

It is acquired by a reactant in an endergonic reaction

Why is it that the phosphate end of ATP stores potential energy?

Energy is stored the bond connecting the phosphate group. When it is removed it releases energy.

When is the energy stored in ATP released?

The energy stored in ATP can be released by breaking the bond between the second and third phosphate groups. Therefore, the energy is released when a phosphate group is removed.