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Q: What happened to Antonia after Jim left to college?
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What tragedy happened to Antonia after Jim went to college?

Her boyfriend left her in Colorado and ran away to Mexico.

What tragedy happen to Antonia after Jim went to college?

Her boyfriend left her in Colorado and ran away to Mexico.

In book iv Jim learns what happened to Antonia after he left black hawk what led Antonia to become an object of pity?

She never finished high school

What happens at the end of My Antonia?

At the end of "My Antonia" by Willa Cather, Jim reflects on his memories of Antonia and their shared past. He realizes the impact she had on his life and the lasting impression she left on him. The novel ends with Jim remembering Antonia with fondness and nostalgia.

Jim gets information about Antonia from who?

Jim gets information about Antonia from Mr. Shimerda, Antonia's father.

Did Jim get married in My Antonia?

No, Jim does not get married in "My Antonia." The novel focuses on Jim's relationship with the title character, Antonia, but they do not end up getting married.

Peter entertains Antonia and Jim by playing his what?

Peter entertains Antonia and Jim by playing his harmonica.

Jim first teaches Antonia and then Yulka how to?

Jim first teaches Antonia and then Yulka how to ride a horse.

Who is with Jim burden when he kills a big snake from my Antonia?


Why did Jim go visit Antonia when they were older?

Jim feels he must see Antonia again because just like Tony, he didn't forget his baby and Jim shouldn't forget Antonia.

What is jim burden in your Antonia?

an orphan

What does Antonia tell Jim that her father would like to give him when he becomes a big boy in the novel 'My ntonia'?

Antonia tells Jim her father will give him her father's gun (Jim at this point is 10 years old and Antonia is 14.) gun