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Lord Voldemort was drinking the unicorn blood to keep him going until he could get a more substitutable way of staying alive, such as the Philosopher's Stone. Drinking unicorn blood leaves the drinker with a cursed life, although Voldemort had gone so far down the path of evil and caused so much damage to his soul that it probably didn't have too much of an impact.

When he failed to steal that and after the death of Quirrell, Voldemort was reduced to almost nothing. He fled to Albania and lived in the forest, there he possessed small animals and tried to survive. Eventually, he was found by Peter Pettigrew who helped him return to his body.

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Q: What happened to Lord Voldemort after he drank unicorn blood?
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What is the unicorn blood in Harry Potter?

Lord Voldemort was drinking the unicorn blood. It allowed him to sustain his life while he worked to steal the philosopher's stone. Drinking the blood gave him a cursed life, but since Voldemort had already created several horcruxes by this point it probably didn't have too much impact.

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Lord Voldemort killed and drank the blood of unicorns. Their blood can save you even if you are an inch from death, however the price you pay is that your life will be cursed. Voldemort had already gone so far tring to be immortal that he didn't care.

Who killed the unicorns in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?

Lord Voldemort who was sharing Professor Quirrell's body. Voldemort then drank the unicorns blood to keep himself alive until he could steal the philosopher's stone.

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He did not drink it but towards the end of the Goblet Of Fire, he ordered Wormtail (his fateful servant) to cut Harry's arm and put some of his blood in a cauldron, followed by many other things (such as Wormtail's hand and the bones of his father) so that Voldemort could come back to life. So Harry's blood runs in his veins but he never literally "drank" it.

Why did Lord Voldemort need unicorn blood?

Unicorn blood will save anyone an inch from death. Voldemort makes Professor Quirrell drink the blood to keep him alive, however at a high price. Slaying something as pure as a unicorn brings the drinker a cursed life. Voldemort does not care as the only thing he fears is death.

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