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For the show Vince said its over his fire place but I'm sure stone cold has it put up in his home

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Q: What happened to the smoking skull belt?
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Related questions

Who made the smoking skull belt in wrestling?

The belt was designed by Stone Cold Steve Austin. WWE went through a phase of letting the Champs design their own belts.

Why would the belt be smoking on a 1994 Chevrolet Cavalier z24?

Normal cause of a belt smoking is that one of the driven pulleys has siezed.

Who holds the WWE smoking skull championship?

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin

When was Legend of the Crystal Skull created?

Legend of the Crystal Skull happened in 2007.

What happened at Skull Hill in Israel?

Jesus was crucified

Why is your serpentine belt squealing and smoking?

Usually this means one of the pulleys is locked up. The belt winds around multiple pulleys, when one locks up it doesn't rotate and the friction is burning away the belt, giving you the smoking and squealing.

When did Astron Belt happen?

Astron Belt happened in 1983.

What will happened if the joint of the skull is not fixed?

...The human might die...

Did stone cold ever lose the smoking skull?

no not ever because stone cold said so

What happened to rob van damm?

Randy orton cracked his skull

Where is the smoking chimney in Parrot Port on Skull Duggary Island on Poptropica?

It is located at the top of the Petey's pirate pub.

Do alternator for a 98 voyager make it smoke?

not unless its froze and the belt is smoking