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Q: What happened while Stanley and Hector were riding home?
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Patroclus was Achilles cousin and was killed in the Trojan War by Hector. He was killed while wearing Achilles armour.

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Hector was the Son of King Priam of Troy while Perseus was the Son of Zeus.

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You can if you are riding English, you can't if you are riding western.

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Winston Churchill quoted the poem "Recessional" by Rudyard Kipling while riding the tube. This happened during World War II to inspire and connect with the common people during a time of struggle.

Who was riding with Kennedy when he gt shot?

No not when either of the Kennedy brothers were shot. Robert Kennedy was shot at a convention as he was departing. President Kennedy was shot in Dallas while riding in a car with his wife Jackie, Governor and his wife connally. The kids of these men were no where near when it happened.

What did Achilles do to Hector's body after killing him?

Achilles tied Hector to the back of his chariot and dragged him around the city of Troy while shouting "I killed Hector". After persuasion from Priam he agrees to return the body for its weight in Trojan gold.

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Paul Harvey won the 2004 Victoria Derby while riding Plastered.