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you will die or your arm might break and fall

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Q: What happens if a pitbull bites you?
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What do you when your pitbull bites back for no reason?

Have it put to sleep.

What can you legally do if a pitbull bites your dog?

you have to look in your town to see what the laws are. they are specific to each town/ city / state

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What happens when a snowman bites you?

you get frost bite ;-)

What happens if a yellow spider bites you?

it hurts

What happens when a tic bites you?

It sucks your blood

Who would win pitbull or king corso dog?

King corso dog, because they are larger and have stronger jaws, and therefore stronger bites.

What will happen to a dog if it bites a human?

if the dog bites hard u can bleed or if its soft nothing happens

What happens when a black snake bites a copperhead?

If she bites you You wait three second the u die.

What happens when a dog bites another dog?


When a dog bites you what happens next?

You feel pain.