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There is a good chance that your house will be damaged by high winds and debris.

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Q: What happens if a tornado is close to your house?
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Related questions

When was House Tornado created?

House Tornado was created in 1988.

What is a safe tornado house?

No house can offer 100% protection from a tornado. The best option is a house with a basement to go to in case of a tornado.

What happens when f4 tornado is heading for your house?

If your house is hit by the full force of an F4 (now EF4) tornado it will probably be completely leveled. Even if you escape the worst of it (which can be surprisingly likely depending on the tornado) there will still likely be severe damage. The best place to be in an event like this, or any tornado, is in a storm cellar or basement.

What happens to living and non living things if a tornado happens?

The area in which the tornado happens can erode the area away cause the animals that lived there to have no home or die of the tornado

Where does a tornado happen?

in tornado alley which is in Texas and states close to it

What should you do if you are in a car and a tornado happens?

Get to a nearby sturdy building if possible. If you have no access to shelter and the tornado is in the distance driver perpendicular or diagonal to the tornado's path depending on what the road allows. If the tornado is getting close get out of the vehicle and lie down in a ditch or depression. Do not seek shelter under a bridge.

What did the house ever do to a tornado?

The house is invading the tornado's natural habitat, so of course the tornado will fight to keep its territory.

What would you do if you hear a tornado is coming?

You cannot accurately identify a tornado based on the sound. That said, if you can hear a tornado it is probably already very close. You must take cover immediately. Heat to you basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of your house.

Where is the safest place to go if there is a tornado and you are at your house?

The safest place to be in your house during a tornado is in the basement.

Can a tornado happen in a house?

A tornado can hit a house, but cannot happen indoors.

What happens if you don't have a basement and a tornado happens?

You still have a decent chance of survival. Go to a room or hallway in the center part of your house on the lowest floor. Stay away from windows.

Where is the safest place to go at your house during a tornado?

The safest place to be in your house during a tornado is in the basement.