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Nothing much happens but you shouldn't draw on yourself anyway coz it can take a while to get off. Most pens are non toxic now anyway

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the ink stays on your hand until you wash it off or if you don't wash it off, it will eventually wear away.

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Q: What happens if you write on your arm with sharpie?
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How can you write on the bathroom mirror?

With a Sharpie

What happens when you write on your wrist with sharpie?

It last a while but the toxins in a sharpie can absorb in your skin so i recommend you don't do it because it can ruin your blood cells and can poison you or the person

If you write with a sharpie on your arm does it disobey God We as Christian's arent allowed to mark our bodies?

No, it isn't disobeying God. You're only writing on your arm. Don't worry, you did nothing wrong. Gosh. What about cancer patients that need tattoos for the radiation treatments? Don't take everything so much to heart. A Sharpie will wear off anyway.

How can you get sharpie off a whiteboard?

Not sure if it really works, but I have heard if you write over a sharpie in a different color sharpie, it erases it - maybe worth a try.

Is Taylor swifts arm tattoo real?

No she just writes it on with sharpie before shows

Is sharpie hazardus to your skin?

No, sharpies are not hazardous to your skin, because when ever i use sharpie i get it on my skin. Nothing ever happens.

What happens when you sniff a sharpie?

You can get high.

How do you write on or label plastic tab dividers?

use a sharpie

How do you get sharpie ink off?

I got some Sharpie on my arm last night, and I got it off in just seconds with Tecnu. Tecnu removes Poison Oak and other Ivy oils, and apparently it removes Sharpie marks off skin.

How can you get sharpie off a locker?

Write over the sharpie marks with an Expo marker then erase

Can long period of work caused an arm to shake?

Happens to me if i write on paper for about 10 mins straight

How do you write on aluminum and is there a market or pen that works?

Try using a Sharpie