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It bleaches the backpack.

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2d ago

Using Clorox bleach on a neon yellow Jansport bookbag may cause the color to fade or change. It can also weaken the fabric and cause damage to the material, potentially leading to holes or tears. It is not recommended to use bleach on colored fabrics unless the product specifically states that it is safe to do so.

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Q: What happens if you put Clorox bleach on your neon yellow jansport bookbag?
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Related questions

What is the difference in Clorox and name brand bleach?

Bleach is Clorox. Clorox is the main brand of bleach.

What happens if you put Clorox bleach in a hot tub?

Nothing. Hop on in.

What is the difference between bleach and Clorox?

Bleach is a general term for a chemical used for whitening, disinfecting, and cleaning, while Clorox is a brand of bleach manufactured by The Clorox Company. Clorox products often contain sodium hypochlorite as the active ingredient, which is a type of bleach.

Can you use Clorox bleach for nail fungus?


In what year did Clorox bleach made?

Clorox bleach was first introduced to the market in 1913 but i am not really sure when it was made

Does bleach have an expiration date?

Bleach does not technically expire but it can lose potency over time. It is recommended to use bleach within a year of opening it for best effectiveness. After a year, bleach may still be usable but might require a higher concentration to achieve the same disinfecting results.

How much chlorine bleach do you need to disinfect 40 gallons of water?

To disinfect 40 gallons of water, you would need about 1/2 cup or 4 fluid ounces of household bleach (containing 5-6% sodium hypochlorite). This would provide the necessary amount of chlorine to effectively disinfect the water.

Can you use Clorox to keep away cats?

You should not use Clorox or any type of bleach to keep cats away. Clorox and bleach are poisonous and can kill the cats.

What happens if you sniff Clorox or bleach too much?

Inhaling a significant amount of bleach fumes can irritate the respiratory system, causing symptoms like coughing, wheezing, chest pain, or shortness of breath. Prolonged exposure or inhaling concentrated bleach can lead to severe respiratory issues and damage to the lungs. It is important to always use bleach in a well-ventilated area and avoid directly inhaling the fumes.

What type of bleach should you use in a bleach bath?


How expensive are Clorox bleach pens?

Clorox bleach pens vary in price depending on the exact product and the store selling the item. For example Clorox bleach pens sell on Ebay for approximately $10-$15, for example.

PH value in Clorox?

Clorox bleach typically has a pH level around 11-12, which indicates it is alkaline and highly basic. This high pH level helps Clorox effectively clean and disinfect surfaces and laundry.