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No, it will float in vinegar or salt though. Coke is not dense enough to make an egg float.

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13y ago

Diet Coke will float because it has less density then regular coke because it has more sugar and less chemicals and vice versa for the diet coke.

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It will make the egg turn brown

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Q: Will Diet Coke float or coke float?
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Why does a diet coke float and a coke sinks?

Because a regular coke is more dense and has more sugar. A diet coke has more sugar

Why does coke sink and Diet Coke float?

Other way around: diet beverages are less dense and float, the good kind (with sugar) is more dense and sinks.

Why is the density of Diet Coke 1 and it still floats?

Simple, the density of diet coke is not 1. Otherwise it won't float.

What acids are there in Diet Coke?

diet coke has acid in it just less than coke diet coke does not have sugar either which coke and coke zero has

Which is darker coke or Diet Coke?

Diet Coke is darker.

Can a LEGO float in Coke?

Yes, a lego can float in coke

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Diet Coke

Which is better Diet Coke or coke what ingredients does Diet Coke have and coke has?

diet coke doesn't have any calories so that means that there is no sugar in it which gives it the diet taste, so coke has sugar. so dose coke zero!

Witch explodes faster with mentos in it Diet Coke or reguler coke?

diet coke the ingredients they put in with the diet coke reacts faster then regular coke.

How do you float Diet Coke in water?

You would probably have to use salt water

What are the masses of Diet Coke and regular Coke?

I got 384 g for Coke, and 375 g for Diet Coke.

Why does regular coke sink but Diet Coke floats?

Diet coke is less dense than regular coke.