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Well, you don't get any fire, if that's what you mean.

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1w ago

If you remove one of the three things needed to make a fire (fuel, heat, or oxygen), the fire will not be able to sustain itself and will go out. These components work together in a fire triangle to create and maintain a flame.

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Q: What happens if you remove one of the 3 things needed to make a fire?
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What happens when you take out fuel from fire?

the fire dies because there is 1 thing taken out from the fire triangle. adding on the fire triangle is a triangle in which u see the things needed for a fire to urn !!

What things are needed for fire to burn?

Dry wood, fire, ect, oxygen, and a spark are things that are needed for fire to burn.

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If you remove fuel, oxygen, or both from a fire, the fire goes out.

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The candle will cease to burn because oxygen is needed for burning. This is why one of the ways to extinguish a flame is to remove its source of oxygen, as described in the fire triangle.

What are needed for a fire to burn?

The three things needed to make a fire burn, what is called the Fire Triangle, are 1] oxygen 2] heat 3] fuel

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fire needs 3 things: fuel, oxygen, heat/ignition remove one of the three and you stop the fire

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If you remove heat from a fire, the fire will eventually extinguish because fire requires heat to sustain itself. As the temperature decreases, the combustion reaction slows down and eventually stops, causing the flames to go out.

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You can put it in a fire and see what happens.

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fire needs 3 things: fuel, oxygen, heat/ignition remove one of the three and you stop the fire

What happens when you remove oxygen from a wood fire?

When you remove oxygen from a wood fire, the combustion process stops because oxygen is necessary for wood to burn. The fire will gradually extinguish as it depletes the available oxygen supply.

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A Gas leak, Friction, Fire

Why do things catch fire?

Fire needs three things to start and sustain itself... fuel (matter), Oxygen and heat. Take away one of the three and no fire. The amount of energy needed to start something on fire is known as it's flash point.