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This is normal - not all dogs spot or bleed during their heat cycle.

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Q: What happens if your dog doesn't bleed with heat cycle?
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Do guinea pigs menustrate?

guinea pigs go into heat, they go through the cycle but do not have a period (bleed).

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Female guinea pigs go int what we call "heat" they do not bleed but do go through a cycle.

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My mini daschund would bleed when she was in heat. If you're not planning on letting her reproduce, spay her and it may stop.

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They start around 6-8 months of age and a heat lasts 3 weeks. Their heat cycle doesnt run every month like a humans, but every 6 months. (Lucky little things)

Could female hamsters have there period?

The answer is yes and no. They have a cycle much like humans, but they don't bleed. Instead they have a thick, musky discharge while they are in heat.

Does a guinea pig bleed from its vaginal area when in heat?

no guinea pigs do not bleed when on heat but if your guinea pig starts to bleed it means it needs worming

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Female rabbits don't go into heat. Ovulation in rabbits is triggered by fornication, so they don't have a menstrual cycle.

How many days does a female shih tzu bleed when in heat?

Female dogs go through a heat cycle, called estrus, every six months. She will have proestrus, or a bleeding cycle, before her true heat cycle during which she is very receptive to the advances of male dogs. This heat cycle lasts for several days up to three or four weeks. Some female dogs will undergo personality changes during this time, the most common changes being anxiety and irritability.

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