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guinea pigs don't drink that much my piggie doesn't because it gets water from grass.

Mine two gets it's water from lettece, carrots, grass and even drinks out of their water bottle! How smart are they!? Just give your guinea pig lettece, carrots or grass and then it will be eating/drinking water!

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14y ago

I have asked this question to my self a lot.

Sometimes you don't see your guinea pig drink.

If you are worried about it then do what I did.

I gave it carrots and lettece. Carrots and lettece have water in them and it is a tasty treat for your pet.

You may also want to check the water bottle to make sure it isn't blocked. Also, supplement your pig's diet with a piece of orange at least once a week to prevent scurvy and provide extra fluid.

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15y ago

It is dead It is dead

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Q: What happens ifyour Guine Pig doent drink water?
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How long do guine pigs eat?

I have a guine pig named toffee. Each morning I give her a pieace of lettuce and pieace of cucumber and a few grapes and a pieace of carret. I usally wash the food I give my guine pig under the sink. so the posin comes off the food and she gets enough liquid. my guine pig doesn't drink water she gets all the liquid she needs from the fruit and vegs. Guiens pigs eat when ever there hungry. If they ate all the food by the end of the night, its good to give then a corn on the cob and a pieace of tomato and mabey a apple cor for her to last in the night. Its good to play with your guine pig every day like pat your guine pig and talk to them and give them a little run a around on the grass. Guine pigs could eat grass though not weeds! ecpessaly when the weeds are sprayed with weed killer.

What happens if a kid drinks an energy drink?

If a kid drinks an energy drink, it will most likely do nothing unless you drink several at once. I wouldn't recommend it though, as it isn't the healthiest thing to drink.

Do cats lap backwards when they drink?

Cats have a very unique way of drinking. When they drink their tongues curl downwards. That is how the cat drinks. It is a very fast process, but that is what happens how cats drink.

What happens if you eat fish and drink milk?

Nothing will happen if you eat fish and drink milk. There is an old wives tale that these two will create a dangerous chemical reaction. It is not true.

What happens to a guinea pig if you give it an energy drink?

Energy drinks contain sugar and caffeine both of which will make your guinea pig sick or worse. Do not allow your pet to consume energy drink in any amounts.

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How long do guine pigs eat?

I have a guine pig named toffee. Each morning I give her a pieace of lettuce and pieace of cucumber and a few grapes and a pieace of carret. I usally wash the food I give my guine pig under the sink. so the posin comes off the food and she gets enough liquid. my guine pig doesn't drink water she gets all the liquid she needs from the fruit and vegs. Guiens pigs eat when ever there hungry. If they ate all the food by the end of the night, its good to give then a corn on the cob and a pieace of tomato and mabey a apple cor for her to last in the night. Its good to play with your guine pig every day like pat your guine pig and talk to them and give them a little run a around on the grass. Guine pigs could eat grass though not weeds! ecpessaly when the weeds are sprayed with weed killer.

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What happens if you drink a little bit of cologne?

you drink a high sugar concentrated drink

Can a guine pig drink juice if it is 100 percent vitamin C?

If something is 100 percent vitamin C, then it is only vitamin C, not juice. Vitamin C is L-Ascorbic Acid. L-Ascrorbate is only a liquid above 300 degrees C, so no, a guinea pig can't drink it.

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You die!

Do ginepigs drinke sodas?

No the only thing guine pigs could drink is fresh water! Guine pigs eat, Tomato, lettuce, grapes, corn, baby corn, carret, cucumber, apple, watermelon, celery, strawberry leaves, water, seed, grass with out any weed killer!

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You will end up with a fuzzy, fizzy drink.