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Your body develops for sex. Females grow boobs and pubic hair and their sexual reproductive organs develop, males grow facial hair, underarm hair, voice deepens, penis grows. Mainly teens going through puberty are turning in to immature adults.

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14y ago
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14y ago

during puberty the body works aggressively making hormones and energy so usually you will become more active or become tired
indicating that the body is growing and can only do so while aslep

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13y ago

Well they go thru different changes for girls your breast get bigger and stuff for boys you start to go sperm I help I can help. But don't have sexx

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Q: What happens to a child's body during puberty?
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What are the causes of puberty?

The cause of Puberty is the change in hormones in the childs body. Increases of Testosterone and estrogen bring sexual maturity.

What will happens to teenagers having puberty?

During puberty, the body becomes sexually and physically mature. So the children mature into adults.

What happens to your body when you go through puberty?

The main thing that happens is that the body becomes sexually mature. After puberty, the body is capable of reproduction.

When do males grow body hair during puberty?

Male puberty generally happens around age 12 to 14.... There are, however - always exceptions.

Between the ages of 9 and 15 what happens to the testicles?

The testicles become larger and lower from the body, due to the body heat you produce.

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What does puberty and maturation lead to?

During puberty the body becomes sexually mature. This means that after puberty, the person is capable of reproduction.

What should you know about puberty?

You should know that during puberty your body becomes sexually mature. also the overall body develops .

During puberty for girls do you get hairy toes?

every part of your body has hair, but it is not part if puberty. It is normal.....

Can boys chest grow during puberty?

Yes, development of the human body begins mainly in puberty.

What does it mean if you a emotional during puberty?

Being emotional during puberty is very common and normal. This is caused because of the hormonal imbalance in the body.

What happens to the body in puberty?

Girls: get pregnant Boys: Their balls start to itch