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The rate of the reaction slows down

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Elise Greenholt

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2y ago
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14y ago

An enzyme speeds up a chemical reaction. Therefore, once an enzyme has carried out it's function, it moves onto the next reaction. For example, the enzyme maltase speeds up the synthesis of maltose from two glucose molecules. Once the enzyme has carried out the synthesis of maltose, it then moves onto another glucose to maltose reaction. Enzymes do not "wear out."

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13y ago

The catalyst doesn't change in mass or chemically- it just stays the same!

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11y ago

Reactants give way to Products.

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Q: What happens to a reaction as reactants are used up?
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What happens to the reaction rate as the reactants get used up in the reaction?

The rate of the reaction begins to decrease as reactants are used up (apex)

What happens to the rate of reaction as the reaction progresses?

The rate decreases as reactants are used up.

What happens to the reaction rate as the reactions get used up in a reaction?

The rate of the reaction begins to decrease as reactants are used up (apex)

What do you call a substances used up in a reaction?

Reactants. Reactants react to produce products.

How is a catalyst different from the reactants and products of a chemical reaction?

A catalyst is not consumed in a chemical reaction, unlike reactants that are consumed to form products. Catalysts lower the activation energy required for a reaction to occur, increasing the reaction rate without being permanently changed or used up in the process. Reactants are the starting materials that undergo a chemical reaction to form products, which are the final substances produced at the end of the reaction.

What are materials that are used up in the reaction called?

they are called reactants

What are the reactants and the products of the forward Left to right reaction?

Reactants- The substances used up in a reaction. Products- The new substances made.

Are products used up in a reaction?

No. Products are produced by a reaction. However, products may be used as reactants in a multi-step reaction.

What happens to the reaction rate as the reactants get used up in a reaction?

The rate of a reaction begins to decreases as reactant are used up

What are the reactants and products of the forward reaction?

The reactants of a reaction are the substances that participate in the chemical reaction to form products. The products are the substances formed as a result of the reaction. The forward reaction refers to the conversion of reactants into products in a chemical reaction.

Why is limiting reactants important in stoichiometry?

Limiting reactants are crucial in stoichiometry because they determine the maximum amount of product that can be produced in a reaction. By identifying the limiting reactant, you can calculate the exact quantities of products formed and avoid wasting resources by ensuring that all reactants are completely consumed. This helps in predicting and optimizing chemical reactions for efficiency.

What simple experiment can you perform to test the hypothesis that an enzyme is not used up during the reaction?

To test the hypothesis that an enzyme is not used up during a reaction, you can perform a simple experiment where you measure the enzyme activity before and after the reaction. If the enzyme activity remains the same before and after the reaction, it indicates that the enzyme is not used up. This can be done by measuring the substrate conversion rate or product formation rate.