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The thing that is low pressure is air.

When a meteorologist says that there is an area of "Low Pressure" he is saying that there is a low air pressure in an area or, more exactly, that there is less air per cubic unit than there is in surrounding areas.

So, if neutrally pressured air met with low pressured air the neutrally pressured or comparatively condensed air, a.k.a "high pressure" air would fall downward until it reached a state of equilibrium. And attaining equilibrium by both mixing with the surrounding air and falling to an altitude of similar air pressure.

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11y ago

Lower pressure results in less ability to hold moisture. The result is usually clouds and possible precipitation if the subject is weather. If the subject is related to Boyle's law then lower pressure causes a reduction in temperature.

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15y ago

it pushes down on the surface, if itw over water it causes waves

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The air moves toward the area of low pressure

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8y ago

Air will always flow from a high-pressure area to a low-pressure area. This can be felt - in the form of winds.

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Air flows from higher pressure to lower pressure, creating winds as it moves to balance out the pressure difference. This movement of air is known as wind, and it is responsible for weather patterns and changes in the atmosphere.

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Yes the altitude of the area does affect the breathing rate becaue the higher you go the lower the air pressure and the the lower you go the lower the air pressure.

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