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The front, a boundary between two air masses, can act as a focus for precipitation. This is especially true in the summer, when at least one of the air masses is likely to be hot/humid; this air is more easily lifted, thus cooling the air and condensing the water vapor.

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Q: What happens to atmosphere while stationary front?
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What type of front moves the fastest?

A cold front moves the fastest, and a stationary front moves the slowest. A cold front moves about 20 mph, while a stationary front moves very little.

How does a slow-moving cold front differ from a fast-moving cold front?

A slow moving front is relatively like a stationary front, bringing rain for quite a while as the front approaches, then when the front passes, it will bring cold weather for a longer period of time because the front will be around for a longer period of time. A fast moving front will bring cold for a shorter period of time and less rain as the front approaches. These are the simple effects of what will happen.

What weather conditions associated with the four types of fronts?

There are four types of fronts that will be described below: cold front, warm front, stationary front, and occluded front.To locate a front on a surface map, look for the following:sharp temperature changes over relatively short distances,changes in the moisture content of the air (dew point),shifts in wind direction,low pressure troughs and pressure changes, andclouds and precipitation patterns.Cold fronts tend to be associated with the most violent weather among all types of fronts.Cold fronts tend to move the farthest while maintaining their intensity.Warm fronts are typically less violent than cold fronts.Although they can trigger thunderstorms, warm fronts are more likely to be associated with large regions of gentle ascent (stratiform clouds and light to moderate continuous rain).Stationary front- a front that does not move or barely moves.Stationary fronts behave like warm fronts, but are more quiescent.Many times the winds on both sides of a stationary front are parallel to the front.Typically stationary fronts form when polar air masses are modified significantly so as to lose their character (e.g., cold fronts which stall).Occluded fronts are indicative of mature storm systems (i.e., those about to dissipate).The most common type of occlusion in North America is called a cold-front occlusion and it occurs when the cold front forces itself under the warm front. The weather ahead of the cold occlusion is similar to that of a warm front while that along and behind the cold occlusion is similar to that of a cold front.

What happens to the frame of a seismograph when seismic waves arrive?

It moves with the same frequency and amplitude as the seismic waves, while the large mass suspended within it is damped from these oscillations due to it's own inertia. The relative movement between this stationary mass and the frame can then be recorded.

What is a component of the earths atmosphere?

Significant components of the Earth's atmosphere include nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide.

Related questions

What type of front moves the fastest?

A cold front moves the fastest, and a stationary front moves the slowest. A cold front moves about 20 mph, while a stationary front moves very little.

Why does a stationary front stay in the same place?

Fronts become stationary because the stationary front is like a stand-off between a cold front and a warm front. The warm front is trying to get on top of the warm front and make a warm front, while the cold front tried to avance on the warm front. Neither are successful, so they just stand there waiting for each other to move and one to become dominant. They stay where they are until one other front pushes them away.

What is the Homophone of stationery?

The homophone of "stationery" is "stationary." "Stationery" refers to writing materials, while "stationary" means not moving or still.

What is a homophone to the word stationary?

A homophone for the word "stationary" is "stationery." "Stationary" means not moving, while "stationery" refers to writing materials.

What is a homophone for the word stationery?

A homophone for the word "stationery" is "stationary." "Stationery" refers to writing materials, while "stationary" means not moving.

How do craters not show up on earth?

Once in a great while it happens, but the great majority of meteors are destroyed as they pass through our atmosphere.

What happens to energy from the sun when it reaches the atmosphere and surfaces?

What happens to Solar Energy is that some of it gets absorbed into air, land and water while the rest gets reflected back to space.

What is the homonym for stationary?

The homonym for "stationary" is "stationery." "Stationary" means not moving, while "stationery" refers to writing materials such as paper, pens, and envelopes.

What happens to energy from the Sun when it reaches Earth's atmosphere and surfaces?

What happens to Solar Energy is that some of it gets absorbed into air, land and water while the rest gets reflected back to space.

Why trees move behind while you travel in the train?

The trees are stationary, while you are moving forward.

How does a slow moving cold front differ from a fast moving front?

A slow moving front is relatively like a stationary front, bringing rain for quite a while as the front approaches, then when the front passes, it will bring cold weather for a longer period of time because the front will be around for a longer period of time. A fast moving front will bring cold for a shorter period of time and less rain as the front approaches. These are the simple effects of what will happen.

How does a slow-moving cold front differ from a fast-moving cold front?

A slow moving front is relatively like a stationary front, bringing rain for quite a while as the front approaches, then when the front passes, it will bring cold weather for a longer period of time because the front will be around for a longer period of time. A fast moving front will bring cold for a shorter period of time and less rain as the front approaches. These are the simple effects of what will happen.