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The Baby's waste products are transported through the placenta to the mother's circulatory system and are then filtered by her kidneys. This cycle repeats itself as the baby swallows fluid and releases it through his/her urinary system.

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Q: What happens to baby urine in uterus?
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Peeing in uterus?

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Urine does not pass through the uterus at all...

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The baby is enclosed inside the uterus, that is where it gets it nourishment and where the egg attaches to! No uterus... NO BABY.

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A period is the sheding of the lining of your uterus. It gets rid of old blood and makes new. When you are pregnant you use the lining of your uterus for your baby. It doesn't shed again until you have your baby.

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The uterus will expand until the baby is born!!!

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uropyoureter is the collection or urine and pus in your uterus.

How do you get a baby out?

When a baby is ready to be born, the mommy starts to feel labor contractions. The uterus squeezes and pushes the baby out of the uterus and into the world.

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What area baby located?

The baby grows in the uterus.