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Water contribute to the chemical reaction of iron rusting.

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8y ago

Because it has iron in it and that oxidises in damp or wet conditions.

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13y ago

rust if left out...for a while

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Q: What happens to metal tools left in the rain?
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What happens to a metal bench when it is left outside in the rain?

when a metal bench is left outside in the rain it corrodes because some other metals in the reactivity series react fast with water

What happens to metal when there is acid rain?

people die duhhh

What chemical change can happen to a metal chair if it left outside in the air and rain?

The metal will rust.

What happens if acid rain falls on metal?

Acid rain can corrode and weaken metal surfaces by reacting with the metal, forming rust or other chemical compounds. This can lead to structural damage and deterioration of the metal over time.

What will happen to a set of tools left outdoors in the rain for a long time?

Rust & rot.

What happens to a bike when left out in the rain?

eventually it will rust and it will dry rott the tires

How can you use deteriorate in a sentence?

Leaving metal tools out in the rain can cause them to deteriorate quickly.

What is the chemical change when a metal chair is left in the rain and air?

When a metal chair is left in the rain and air, it undergoes a chemical process known as oxidation. The oxygen in the air reacts with the metal, causing it to form a layer of rust on the surface. This rust is a form of iron oxide, which weakens the metal over time and can eventually lead to corrosion and degradation.

What chemical change is likely to occur when a metal chair is left outside in the air and rain?

The metal chair is likely to undergo corrosion, where the metal will react with oxygen and water from the air and rain, leading to the formation of rust (iron oxide) on its surface. This process weakens the metal structure over time.

In terms of weathering what will happen to a set of tools left outdoors in the rain for a long period of time?

If made of iron or steel they will rust.

What results when something made of metal is left out in the rain?

Rainfall can rust metals like iron. by gv

Which metal turns brown in rain?

The metal called Copper