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Most materials solidify when they are cooling. The molecules slow down and begin to arrange themselves closer together. Some materials have an opposite reaction.

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2w ago

Most materials contract or decrease in size when they cool due to the decrease in temperature causing the atoms and molecules to slow down and come closer together. This contraction can lead to changes in physical properties such as density and volume.

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14y ago

They expand in size just like when they become warmer.

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15y ago

they expand in size

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Q: What happens to most materials when it is on cooling?
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What happens to most materials as they are heated?

Most materials expand when heated due to increased molecular motion, causing the particles to move farther apart. However, if heated to extremely high temperatures, materials can undergo phase changes, such as melting or vaporization. Additionally, some materials may decompose or undergo chemical reactions when heated.

What happens to most materials went hey become warmer?

When most materials become warmer, their molecules gain more energy and vibrate faster, causing them to expand. This expansion can lead to changes in the material's physical properties, such as increased volume, decreased density, and altered conductivity.

Is hydrogen a good cooling agent?

Hydrogen is commonly used as a cooling agent in cryogenic applications due to its low boiling point of -252.87°C. It has high thermal conductivity and can rapidly cool materials. However, hydrogen is flammable and poses safety risks, so proper handling and precautions must be taken when using it for cooling purposes.

What kind of cooling is responsible for most cloud formation?

Adiabatic cooling, which occurs when air rises and expands, leading to a decrease in temperature and the condensation of water vapor, is the main process responsible for most cloud formation.

What happens when melted diamond cools?

When melted diamond cools it solidifies back into a crystalline structure, forming a solid diamond again. The cooling process allows the carbon atoms to reorganize and form the strong covalent bonds that make diamond one of the hardest materials known.

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What happens to most materials when they become water?

it condenses and precipitates or melts

What happens to particles when materials are heated or cooled?

When materials are heated, the particles gain kinetic energy and move faster, leading to expansion of the material. Conversely, when materials are cooled, the particles lose kinetic energy and move slower, causing the material to contract or condense.

What happens when you put hydrogen peroxide on substances taken from most biological materials?

A violent reaction of oxydation.

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materials exchange between blood cells and blood

What happens to the primary cooling water in a pressurized water-reactor?

In a pressurized water-reactor, the primary cooling water circulates through the reactor core to remove heat generated by the nuclear fission process. This heated water then transfers its heat to a secondary water loop through a heat exchanger, where the secondary water is converted to steam to drive a turbine and generate electricity. The primary cooling water is then cooled down in a separate heat exchanger before being recirculated back into the reactor core.

Sweating cools the body by what?

The cooling happens due to the sweat evaporating away from the skin.

What happens when hot metal is cooling?

When hot metal is cooling, it releases heat energy into the surrounding environment, causing its temperature to decrease. As the metal cools, its particles lose energy and slow down, leading to a decrease in thermal expansion and, eventually, solidification if the temperature drops low enough.

What happens when cooling systems fail?

It gets warmer.

What happens to playdough after cooling?

The material become brittle.

Igneous rock definition?

Rocks formed by the cooling and solidifying of molten materials.

What happens to cooling if the rotation of an induction motor changes?

Cooling remains same irrespective of the motor rotational direction.

What happens to the volume of a material when it is heated?

When a material is heated, the kinetic energy of its particles increases, causing them to vibrate more vigorously and take up more space. As a result, the volume of the material expands. This phenomenon is known as thermal expansion.