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Q: What happens to oxygen and carbon dioxide in the alveolus?
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Where are oxygen and carbon dioxide exchanged in the lungs?

oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged in alveoli (singular alveolus).

The area in the lungs where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged is the?


What are two gases that enter and exit from the alveolus?

It is carbon dioxide which is collected from different organs of the body by blood

Place where oxygen and carbon dioxide exchanged between air and blood?


What is gas exchange in the lungs?

The process in which oxygen enters the bloodstream through the alveolus and carbon dioxide exits the bloodstream also through the same alveolus to be exhaled.

What happens when oxygen reacts with carbon monoxide?

When carbon monoxide reacts with oxygen carbon dioxide is formed

In the respiratory system oxygen enters the blood and carbon dioxide leaves the blood in clusters called?

Alveoli (plural) and alveolus (singular)

What happens when one carbon and two oxygen?

Carbon dioxide, CO2

What happens when carbon plus oxygen turns into carbon dioxide?

Plants use the carbon dioxide to make food.

What happens to carbon dioxide and oxygen in the dark?


What is the singular form of the word alveoli?

One alveolus is a singular, tiny air sac of the lung, surrounded by a network of capillaries, and through which oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged. A cluster of such air sacs are alveoli (plural of alveolus).

How does the heart pump blood to the lungs via the pulmonary artery to take up oxygen from the inspired air and at the same time releasing the waste product of carbon dioxide?

Both oxygen and carbon dioxide cross the thin lining of the alveolus. Oxygen crosses from inside the lung into the blood and carbon dioxide crosses from the blood into the lung to be exhaled.