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Q: What happens to prepare the uterus for a fertilized egg?
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What happens in the uterus if the egg is fertilized?

It starts growing.....into a baby........

Where does a fertilized egg implant?

A fertilized egg implants into the Uterus.

If an egg is fertilised a woman stops having her period What is meant by the 'period' AND What happens to the fertilised egg HELP PLEASE?

"Period" is a term for menstruation ... the biological cleaning out of the endometium (inner lining) of the uterus - done to prepare the uterus to receive the fertilized egg. The fertilized egg "implants" (sticks to) the wall of the uterus and develops into a fetus (complete with placenta) which will eventually be born as a child.

What happens to a fertilized egg inside the uterus?

It's usually fertilized in the Fallopian tube, travels down into the uterus where it attaches to the wall there

What happens to the uterus wall before the release of an egg?

After the release of an egg, the uterus will form a thick lining of blood within its wall in preparation for the implantation of a fertilized egg in the wall of the uterus. If the egg will not be fertilized, the thick lining of blood with exit the body in the process of menstruation.

What happens to an egg if it is not fertilized by the time it reaches the uterus?

It leaves the body in the process of menstruation.

Where is the egg in a female developed fertilized and where does the fertilized egg develop?

An egg gets fertilized in the fallopian tube by a sperm, then it goes inside of the uterus, and inside the uterus it develops.

What is the purpose of the the lining of the uterus thickening?

The blood lining of the uterus gradually thickens during a woman's menstrual cycle in order to be prepared to receive the fertilized egg. This lining will shed during the menstrual period if no fertilized egg has implanted.

Where does the fertilized egg implant?

egg implants in the uterus

What part of the female reproductive system nourishes and develops the fertilized egg?

It is the uterus, in which fetus develops..

What happens in the uterus if the egg is not fertilized?

If the egg is not fertilized it disintegrates (breaks down) and menstruation (your period) begins 11-16 days later. The mature egg is fertilized when it is joined with a sperm cell.

Where egg cells usually fertilized?

Eggs are usually fertilized in the uterus.