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Diastolic blood pressure is when the heart is refilling with blood after pumped oxygenated blood to the working muscles; this is the relaxation phase. An adaptation to regular cardiovascular exercise is an increase in the hearts efficiency in doing this. Therefore, as an adaptation to exercise, diastolic blood pressure either decreases slightly or doesn't change. This is because the heart has longer to refill the atrium so it isn't under as much pressure.

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Q: What happens to resting diastolic blood pressure as an adaptation to regular exercise?
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What happens to resting diastolic blood pressure as an adaptation to regular aerobic exercise over a long period of time?

moderate aerobic exercise will , over time, reduce both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. It will also reduce heart rate at rest, reduce body weight, which reduces mild hypertension. Hope this helped !!

Why does diastolic blood pressure decrease during exercise?

Diastolic pressure remains constant or less than normal regardless of exercise intensity due to decreased peripheral resistance as increased metabolism will cause vasodilatation so decrease resistance due toABP = COP X Peripheral resistance

What happens to blood pressure as you exercise?

Blood pressure increases during excercise because the heart rate increases to allow more blood to get to the working muscles. However: Moderate exercise, i.e. walking, has benefits for people suffering high blood pressure. Research has shown that walking several times a week for at least half an hour can help lower high blood pressure. It is best to avoid continued strenuous exercise, however - high BP causes greater strain on the arteries, and in strenuous exercise, one is making one's heart work harder.

What happens when the heart relaxes?

It is in its diastolic phase.

What happens to your blood pressure when you exercise?

Exertion will cause blood pressure to elevate. Biking makes my blood pressure drop ( afterwards )

What happens to end diastolic volume when an increase in heart rate is not accompanied by an increase in contractility?

end diastolic volume is decreased

What happens to end diastolic volume when an increase in contractility is not accompanied by an increase in heart rate?

end diastolic volume is decreased

What happens to your heart rate when you excercise?

Depending on how light or heavy exercise is will depend on the change that occurs. Typically during exercise heart rate will increase. This is in order to increase blood flow to the working muscles to allow for increased respiration - in order for the muscles to work efficiently. Therefore the more strenuous the exercise, the more your heart rate will increase. Blood pressure will also increase during exercise and again depends on intensity levels. During exercise such as running/cycling/swimming systolic pressure will increase progressively whereas diastolic pressure will increase only slightly. During weight lifting exercises, both systolic and diastolic pressures will rise. Obviously these effects will vary from person to person, depending on age, gender, exercise level, exercise intensity etc. etc.

What do the 2 numbers of blood pressure represent?

The top number is the Systolic pressure. The bottom number is the Diastolic pressure. The top number is the force that the blood puts against the artery walls as the heart pumps. The bottom number is the pressure against the artery walls as the heart rests in between beats.

Measurement of blood pressure?

I don't really know what you're getting at with this question. Blood pressure is measured with three numbers, systolic, diastolic, and pulse rate. Systolic pressure measures the blood being pumped through the heart when it contracts, where diastolic measures the relaxation of the heart muscle to allow blood to fill the chambers. Puls rate is how many contract-relax cycles happen in one minute. Hope this helps...

What is systolic pressure measured?

The pressure inside the blood vessels at the end of the contraction of the heart. Diastolic pressure is the pressure between beats when the heart is relaxed. Blood pressures are systolic/diastolic; 120/80.

What happens to old people that don't exercise?

No. You cannot die simply because you do not exercise.