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Heavy rain causes the river level to rise, and the speed of the water increase. If the level rises too much, or there is a weakness in the containing river banks, the water will overflow and flood the surrounding land.

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9y ago
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8y ago

Heavy rainfall can increase the water levels which may effect human life.

heavy rainfall can also result to form floods which can destroy buildings, transport and livestock.

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12y ago

Rain causes water to collect on the surface of the ground; run off can only drain away so fast. heavy rain piles up the water just so much faster.

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11y ago

Dont know.Sowie.

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Q: What happens to rivers and streams after heavy rains?
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What happens when rains heavily?

Heavy rains are helpful and also lead to loss of property and life. Heavy rains destroys crops and Sometimes make rivers overflow leading to flooding. Heavy rains also help when it is too hot as it cools down the temperatures.

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Farmers and gardeners spray pesticides on various plants, and when it rains, some of the pesticide washes off and is carried away by any run-off, which eventually drains into streams and rivers.

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when it rains the water carries the chemicals used on crops into rivers, lakes, streams etc..

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The major result of heavy rains or melting snow and ice is flooding. This can lead to overflowing rivers, lakes, and streams, causing damage to infrastructure, homes, and agricultural land. Floods can also result in loss of life and displacement of communities.

What happens when the water from a cloud becomes to heavy to float?

it obviously rains :)

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Based on how heavy the rain is, they might stop play then continue after rains ceases.

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If by Mount Ayer you mean Ayers Rock, it does not influence rivers. Even when the rains come and water streams down the Rock, no rivers are formed. There are water pools around the base of the rock, but no rivers nearby.

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Southeast Asia, particularly the regions of present-day Thailand and Myanmar, depended on heavy tropical rains rather than rivers for farming during the time period 8000 to 600 BCE. They practiced rainfed agriculture, relying on the monsoon rains to cultivate their crops.

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Heavy monsoon rain causes floods. Usually this happens in poor countries.

What does ephemeral streams do in the desert?

Run only after it rains

When vapour condense into a liquid?

If it happens in a cloud, the drops combine until too heavy, and it rains.