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Rubber becomes harder and less pliable as the temperature decreases until ultimately it actually becomes brittle.

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Q: What happens to rubber when its frozen?
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Is rubber lighter or heavier when frozen?

heavier when frozen

How are hockey pucks made of?

Rubber that is then frozen

How are hockey pucks made?

Rubber that is then frozen

Which is harder a frozen egg or a hard-boiled egg?

Frozen, hard boiled is like soft rubber

What happens when you mix glass and rubber?

nothing happens because the glass would not get through the rubber ( some rubber would pass) it depends what kind of rubber you use

What happens to frozen water that is different from most frozen liquids?

Frozen water expands, while other frozen liquids contract.

What happens to the balloon as you pull the rubber sheet downward?

rubber band,cork;

Can rubber stand the cold?

If you drop a piece of rubber in liquid nitrogen, (in a dewar, where the liquid nitrogen does not boil that fast), then the rubber will be frozen. In that sense, the rubber will get hard and brittle. If by 'freeze' you mean the formal definition, which is to form actual crystals, as water does when it freezes, then the rubber won't freeze. You should know that when you drop the rubber into the liquid, the liquid will boil off very quickly for a while even though it's in a dewar. That's because heat will flow straight from the rubber into the liquid.

What happens to hydrogen when frozen?

it will be like ice.

What happens to frozen shampoo?

it will detho /hard

What happens when you put rubber and electricity together?

Nothing, Rubber is an insulator and will not conduct electricity

What happens when oil is added to water then frozen?

The oil ends up under the frozen water.