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The surface area increase by a factor of 49.

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Q: What happens to the Surface Area of a cube if each edge is multiplied by 7?
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What happens to the surface area of a cube when the cube decreases in size?

Surface area also decreases

The surface area of a cube has a value that is a perfect cube what is the surface area of a cube?

The total surface area is 216 square units.

What happens to the cube of a no if the no is multiplied by 5?

The cube is multiplied by 53 = 125.

How do you find the surface area from the volume?

You would have to specify the shape for which we are finding these quantities. But let us say that it is a cube, which is the easiest. The length of an edge of the cube, multiplied by itself gives the area of a face, and multiplied by itself again gives the volume. So the cube root of the volume is the edge length, and then the square of the edge length is the surface area of one face of the cube, which multiplied by 6 gives the area of the entire cube.

How do find the surface area of cube?

Width multiplied by the height, then multiplied by 6. Or just square the length of one edge, then multiply by 6.

What happens to the surface area of a cube when it triples?

If the length of the sides triples, the surface area increases 9-fold.

Finding the surface area of a cube?

Total surface area of a cube = 6*area of cube face = 6*cube side*cube side

What is the surface area of a 0.5cm cube?

The surface area of a 0.5cm cube is 1.5cm2

What is the surface area of a 1mm cube?

The surface area of a 1mm cube is 6mm2

What is curved surface area of cube?

Zero. A cube does not have a curved surface area.

What happens to the surface area of a cube if all sides triple?

It increases nine-fold.

What happens to the cube of a no if the nos multiplied by 4?

If you multiplied a number by 4, then the cube of the number would be increased by a factor of 16.