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Gas is thrusted downward out of the rocket, which in turn (because of Newton's third law) pushes the rocket upward. The gas, which has already combusted, mixes with the air

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Q: What happens to the gases when the rocket takes off?
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What happens to the weight of a rocket when it takes off?

The mass of the rocket decreases as fuel burns.

Why do the exhaust gases of a rocket exert a huge amount of force?

Gas is one of the states of matter. Matter has weight and takes up space. When rocket propellants are burned or oxidized, they give off expanding gases. Since gas is matter the expanding gases exert force.

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In the game, the rocket never takes off '-_- The only reason it exists is because of Decoys

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The gases in the fuel chamber of the rocket combust and push on the inside of the rocket, propeling it forward or upward. This is because in space there is nothing for a rocket to push of off, except itself.

What happens to the first of a multistage rocket?

it is dropped off the rocket and either burns in the atmosphere or lands in the ocean

How did the rocket burst in which kalpana chawla traveled?

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How do action-reaction explain how a rocket lift off?

As a rocket burns fuel, it expels exhaust gases. When the gases are forced out of the rocket, they exert an equal and opposite force on the rocket. A rocket can rise into the air because the gases it expels with a downward force exert an equal but opposite force on the rocket. As long as this upward pushing force, called thrust, is greater than the downward pull of gravity, there is a net force in the upward direction. As a result, the rocket accelerates upwards.-information from Prentice Hall, Science Explorer: Physical Science

How do action-reaction explain how a rocket lifts off?

As a rocket burns fuel, it expels exhaust gases. When the gases are forced out of the rocket, they exert an equal and opposite force on the rocket. A rocket can rise into the air because the gases it expels with a downward force exert an equal but opposite force on the rocket. As long as this upward pushing force, called thrust, is greater than the downward pull of gravity, there is a net force in the upward direction. As a result, the rocket accelerates upwards.-information from Prentice Hall, Science Explorer: Physical Science

How does a rocket represent newtons 3rd law of motion?

The Newton's 3rd law of motion states that for every motion there is an equal but opposite reaction. This is what exactly happens when rocket takes off.

What chemical reaction takes place when a rocket takes off?

Rockets with today's technology will burn a fuel. That means that chemical energy is converted into heat; when the gases of the burning fuel get out of the rocket, the heat energy is converted into kinetic (movement) energy.

How do action-reaction pairs explain how a rocket lifts off?

As a rocket burns fuel, it expels exhaust gases. When the gases are forced out of the rocket, they exert an equal and opposite force on the rocket. A rocket can rise into the air because the gases it expels with a downward force exert an equal but opposite force on the rocket. As long as this upward pushing force, called thrust, is greater than the downward pull of gravity, there is a net force in the upward direction. As a result, the rocket accelerates upwards.-information from Prentice Hall, Science Explorer: Physical Science