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guspacha gets a hold of it and roams it to death...

It is very, very scary. SMD BICHTES

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Q: What happens to the latent heat energy produced in storms?
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What role does heat play in a tornado?

Latent heat is thermal energy that cannot be detected by temperature difference. In earth's atmosphere much of the latent heat is held by water vapor. In other words: warm, moist air holds a large amount of energy in the form of latent heat. It is this energy, released by the condensation of water vapor, that powers thunderstorms. Thunderstorms are what produce tornadoes.

Why doesn't Mars have tropical storms?

Tropical storms are fueled by water vapor that evaporates from warm ocean water. This water vapor holds enormous amounts of energy in the form of latent heat. Mars has no oceans and has very little water vapor in its atmosphere, so it cannot sustain such storms.

Why do most thunder storms occur on humid days?

The energy the fuels thunderstorms comes from the latent heat stored in water vapor, heat that is released when that moisture condenses. More moisture means more energy that could power a storm.

how do tornado get energy from?

they get energy from thunder storms

What can be produced by thunder storms?

tonadoes DUHHH

What storm produces energy to form a tornado?

Most tornadoes are produced by and get their energy from thunderstorms called supercells. However, no storm actually creates energy; that would violate the laws of physics. The storms get their energy from warm, moist air that has been heated by the sun.

What is the energy source for storms?

The energy source for storm is cyclones.

Global warming severity of weathert storms?

This is a simple matter of energy. As the Earth warms, it gains energy....which is all heat really is. As the Earth gains energy, the mechanisms behind storms (which can be extremely complicated) work to release this energy in an attempt to create a balance. More energy in the system will equal more energy released in storms. We can expect more powerful storms with increasing frequency if the Earth continues to warm.

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Durin the el nenio event what and were it happens?


What are the condition necessary to have a large wave?

To the surprise of many, waves are actually created by wind, which is generated by large storms that originate thousands of miles from shore. The conditions have to be just right in order to get the correct wind equation to create big waves. There are only a handful of storms each year that have this wind/wave making potential.These powerful storms are packed with energy in the form of wind. This energy (or wind) that the storms generate is then transferred from the air into the ocean. Wind is what creates the energy that creates waves. Try it! fill a cup of water to the rim. Then blow. See what happens.

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