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Q: What happens to the neurons when there is a lack of oxygen?
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.. then the flame or glow will distinguish by lack of oxygen.

What happens if a cat gets stuck in a jar too long?

it will die due to lack of oxygen

Can you suffer from a lack of oxygen?

Yes, you can. It normally happens when the airways in your lungs close up or get filled with mucus you can see when someone is suffering from lack of oxygen when their lips go blue or their breathing is very noisy wheezy.

What is lack of oxygen?

Medically, lack of oxygen is referred to as, "Hypoxia."

Is longevity a characteristic of neurons?

yes longevity is a trait of neurons along with a high mebatolic rate and the lack of ability to divide (amitotic)

What happens when the pumping action of the heart stop?

Then blood will stop flowing around the body and can't carry oxygen to get diffused into the lungs so you die of lack of oxygen.

When breathing stops from lack of oxygen is called what?

When breathing stops from lack of oxygen

What happens if you go outer space without a spacesuit?

you will die due to lack of oxygen contrary to movies, you won't explode

What happens to oxygen as the distance from the surface increases?

because there is less oxygen when you get closer to space the air is thinner, meaning oxygen will be harder to breathe at higher altitudes which can make you lack energy and become tired.

Is longevity a special characteristic of neurons?

yes longevity is a trait of neurons along with a high mebatolic rate and the lack of ability to divide (amitotic)

Most neurons lack centrioles This observation explains?

Neurons lose their centrioles during differentiation, and they become incapable of undergoing cell division.

What is most likely to result from lack of oxygen?

A blackout or, if a severe lack of oxygen, death.