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Some of the radiation not absorbed by the Earth is reflected back into space by the atmosphere, clouds, and the Earth's surface. The remaining portion may be scattered in different directions or absorbed by gases in the atmosphere.

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Q: What happens to the rest of radiation which is not absorbe by the earth?
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What happen when the energy provided by the sun as it passes the atmosphere in form of radiation?

When the sun's energy reaches the Earth's atmosphere in the form of radiation, some of it is absorbed by the atmosphere, some is scattered back into space, and the rest reaches the Earth's surface. This energy warms the Earth and plays a crucial role in supporting life through processes like photosynthesis and climate regulation.

What happens to the sun's energy as it is reflected back from the earth?

When the sun's energy is reflected back from the Earth, it can be absorbed by the atmosphere, clouds, or surface. Some of the energy gets trapped and warms the Earth, contributing to the greenhouse effect. The rest is radiated back towards space.

What kind of heat transfer is represented by the letter B What happens to some of the energy from this process as it travels through the troposphere?

The letter B represents convection, which is heat transfer through the movement of fluids. As the energy from convection travels through the troposphere, some of it is radiated back into space in the form of infrared radiation, while the rest continues to contribute to the heating of the Earth's surface and lower atmosphere.

What happens to the sunlight that doesn't get absorbed in the air?

Sunlight that is not absorbed in the air is typically scattered or reflected by particles in the atmosphere. Some of it may reach the Earth's surface, while the rest continues into space.

What are the most visible electromagnetic waves on earth?

The most visible electromagnetic waves on Earth are visible light. This type of electromagnetic radiation is the only part of the electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to the human eye. Visible light is responsible for the colors we see in the world around us.

Related questions

Only about 50 percent of the solar energy directed toward earth penetrates directly to the surface. What happens to the rest of the radiation?

The rest of the solar radiation is either reflected back into space by clouds, aerosols or reflective surfaces, or absorbed by the atmosphere. Some of this absorbed radiation is then re-radiated in all directions, contributing to atmospheric warming and circulation patterns.

What percent of incoming radiation from the Sun is absorbed by Earth's surface?

Approximately 51% of incoming solar radiation is absorbed by Earth's surface. The rest is reflected back into space or absorbed by the atmosphere.

What happens to the energy the moon gains from the sun at night?

Regardless of what time it may be, day or night, at any place on earth . . . -- Part of the solar radiation incident on the moon is absorbed into the illuminated portion of the surface. -- The rest is reflected from the surface, back into space. Actually, a lot like what happens on the earth, when you think about it

What are the three things that happens to the radiation the Earth receives from the sun?

It is reflected back out into space (e.g off clouds)It is captured by plants in photosynthesisIt warms the air and makes the weather systems on Earth and the ocean circulationsIt becomes trapped (over time) as fossil fuels.

The Earth exchanges with the rest of the cosmos?

Earth exchanges matter and energy with the rest of the cosmos through processes like meteorite impacts and solar radiation. This exchange influences Earth's atmosphere, geology, and biodiversity over long timescales.

What percentage of solar radiation reaches the earth and drives the hydro logic cycle?

About 50% of the incoming solar radiation reaches the surface of the planet. The rest is reflected or absorbed by the atmosphere & clouds, and a small portion is reflected by the oceans and land.

What happens to visible light when it enters earths atmosphere?

When visible light enters Earth's atmosphere, it interacts with air molecules and scatters in different directions. Some of the light is absorbed by gases like ozone and water vapor, while the rest continues through the atmosphere and reaches the surface of the Earth, enabling us to see our surroundings.

What happen when the energy provided by the sun as it passes the atmosphere in form of radiation?

When the sun's energy reaches the Earth's atmosphere in the form of radiation, some of it is absorbed by the atmosphere, some is scattered back into space, and the rest reaches the Earth's surface. This energy warms the Earth and plays a crucial role in supporting life through processes like photosynthesis and climate regulation.

What happens to the different kinds of radiant energy from the sun when it enters earth's atmosphere?

well some of it is refllected back into space by our magnetic field. the rest of it just hits the earth

How is sunlight transformed to earth?

Sunlight reaches the Earth in the form of electromagnetic radiation. The Earth's atmosphere absorbs and scatters some of this light, and the rest reaches the surface of the Earth. This sunlight is then converted to heat and light energy, providing energy for plant growth, weather patterns, and various Earth processes.

What happens to the energy from the sun when it reaches earth's surface?

What happens to Solar Energy is that some of it gets absorbed into air, land and water while the rest gets reflected back to space.

What happens to energy from the Sun when it reaches Earth's atmosphere and surfaces?

What happens to Solar Energy is that some of it gets absorbed into air, land and water while the rest gets reflected back to space.