

What happens to the speed particles?

Updated: 5/29/2024
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10y ago

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A "speed particle" participates in very few physical or chemical

interactions, mainly because no such thing exists.

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1mo ago

The speed of particles can change depending on the forces acting upon them, such as acceleration or deceleration. In a stable environment, particles will generally maintain a constant speed until acted upon by an external force.

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Q: What happens to the speed particles?
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What happens to the speed of the particles if the size of the particle increases?

If the size of the particle increases, the speed of the particles will generally decrease. This is because the larger size results in increased mass and inertia, requiring more energy to move at the same speed. Additionally, larger particles may experience more collisions and interactions with other particles, further decreasing their speed.

What happens to the speeds of the particles when thermal conduction is occurring within a solid?

During thermal conduction in a solid, kinetic energy is transferred from faster-moving particles to slower-moving particles. This leads to an overall increase in the speed of slower particles and a decrease in the speed of faster particles, resulting in a more uniform distribution of particle speeds.

What happens to speed of the particles if the size of the object gets bigger?

If the size of an object gets bigger, the speed of the particles within it generally decreases. This is because the larger size allows for more interactions and collisions between the particles, which can lead to a decrease in overall kinetic energy and thus a decrease in speed.

What happens when gas particles are increased in speed?

When gas particles are increased in speed, the gas will have higher temperature and pressure. The particles will collide more frequently and with greater force, leading to an increase in kinetic energy. This can cause the gas to expand and exert more pressure on its surroundings.

What happens to the speed of particles when the size is increased?

When the size is increased, the speed of particles typically decreases because the average distance they have to travel becomes greater, leading to more collisions and interactions that slow them down. This is due to increased friction and surface area that slows down the movement of particles.

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A liquid cools down and changes to solid what happens to the speed of particles?

The average speed of the particles decreases.

What happens of the speed of the particles if the temperature is increased?

It increases.

What happens to the speed of the particles if the temperatures is increased?

It increases.

What happens to the speed of the particles of the size increases?

Gets larger

What happens to kinetic energy as velocity increases?

particles speed up.

What happens to the speed of the gas particles when pressure is applied?

is move themselves

What happens to the speed of particles if the temperature goes up?

Speed goes up as temperature goes up.

What happens to the speed of gas when heated?

The speed of the gas particles will increase as they are heated. That is why the pressure in a container increases. The particles are hitting the walls of the container with more force as they are heated.

What happens to the speed of particles when freezing occurs?

When molecules freeze the rate of speed they go at tends to slow down

What happens to particles in a liquid when adding heat energy?

They start to speed up and expand.

When a substance is heated its temperature increases. What happens to the energy of its particles?

The energy of its particles increases, so as the particles speed up move faster causing its heating up.

What happens to the speed of the particles if the size of the particle increases?

If the size of the particle increases, the speed of the particles will generally decrease. This is because the larger size results in increased mass and inertia, requiring more energy to move at the same speed. Additionally, larger particles may experience more collisions and interactions with other particles, further decreasing their speed.