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It becomes a red giant, expanding until it is larger than earth's orbit. Meanwhile it begins helium fusion (3 heliums --> 1 carbon). Eventually, all possible conversion scenarios are used up, and that is the end of the line. The interior of the star collapses onto itself forming a very dense "white dwarf", and the red giant exterior is forcibly blown off as an expanding bubble.

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Q: What happens to the sun when it runs out of hydrogen?
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What happens if the sun runs out of oxygen?

It would be of little to no consequence. The "burning" of the sun is not really fire; it does not use oxygen. The sun is instead powered by nuclear fusion, which turns hydrogen into helium.

The sun will go into its dying stages when what runs out?

The sun produce energy during the nuclear fusion process when hydrogen atoms are converted into helium atoms in the core of the sun. When the sun runs out of hydrogen it will "start to die".

In our sun what happens to the hydrogen?

It gradually gets converted into helium.

In the term of science when will be the end of the world?

in about 5billion years, our sun will expand and consume the Earth. this happens because it runs of of hydrogen to turn into helium through neculear fusion.

When does fusion of hydrogen atoms happens?

under extreme heat and pressure - it happens on the sun all the time!

What happens inside the sun to the electron in hydrogen atoms?

Inside the sun, electrons are stripped from the protons by the sun´s intense heat.

When a sun like stars hydrogen runs out at first it expands into?

A Red GIant.

What happens to your sun when it runs out of fuel?

we would die

Can you make hydrogen from other chemicals?

Yes you can make hydrogen from water through electrolysis. And also from helium (this happens in the sun)

What nuclear reaction happens between hydrogen and helium in the sun?

Nuclear fusion, in which hydrogen-1 is fused into helium-4.

What happens to the temperature from the surface of the sun to its center?

stuff happens Hydrogen atoms need nearly 30 kT to be torn apart This happens on the surface of the sun We can tell this from the line spectra

How can the sun live when a fire needs oxygen to survive?

The sun is not a fire... it is nuclear fusion being conduct with the hydrogen particles colliding together. So basically once the sun runs out hydrogen it will explode.