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If a planet's distance from the sun would increase, its revolutionary path would be extended (because it would have to traverse more distance), ergo increasing its period of revolution. Take an ellipse and enlarge it, then measure the perimeter of each ellipse, the larger one will have a larger perimeter.

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Q: What happens to the sun when the distance increases orbital period of planet?
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As it increases, the orbital speed increases, and the period (time to complete an orbit) decreases, which is why Mercury has the shortest year, and Neptune the slowest orbital speed.

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Temperature and orbital period.

Why does venus take 225 days to revolve around the sun and earth takes 365 days?

Because Venus has less distance to travel than the Earth and is travelling faster. With an orbital speed of 35.02 km/s and an orbital period of 224.70069 days gives an orbital distance of 679,883,169.35km The Earth has an orbital speed of 29.78 km/s (Slower than Venus) and an orbital period of 365.256 days gives an orbital distance of 939,800,765.95km

What can you say about the relationship between the period of revolution and the distance from the sun?

As the distance from the sun increases, the period of revolution increases. Therefore this is a direct relationship. hope this helps :)

If speed increases and time remains the same what happens to distance?

If speed increases and time remains the same, the distance traveled will increase proportionally. Distance is directly proportional to speed, so an increase in speed will result in covering a greater distance in the same amount of time.

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All 8 planets, including dwarf planet Pluto, orbit the Sun. As their distance from the Sun increases, the time it takes for the planet to complete one revolution around the Sun increases as well. In order from shortest orbital period to longest orbital period:MercuryVenusEarthMarsJupiterSaturnUranusNeptune

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Its period increases

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