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what hppens is................that u get FAT!


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Q: What happens to the temperature when anhydrous copper sulhate gets wet?
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What happens when anhydrous copper sulphate gets wet?

Just go die

Is anhydrous copper sulphate reversible?

is anhydrous copper sulphate reversible Yes, anhydrous copper sulphate is reversible just add water

What can you get from evaporating copper sulphate?

Evaporating a copper sulphate solution you can obtain anhydrous crystals of CuSO4. Increasing the temperature CuSO4 will be thermally dissociated.

What happens if Copper Sulphate penta-hydrate is heated?

Copper sulphate pentahydrate loses water of crystallisation and becomes white amorphous anhydrous copper sulphate.

What happens when you heat anhydrous copper sulphate?

Copper sulfate is normally found in the form of blue crystals, copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate. When you heat copper sulfate pentahydrate it turns white as the water which is driven off by the heat. The white solid remaining is anhydrous copper sulfate. If you add water to the anhydrous copper sulfate an exothermic reaction occurs, you can feel the test-tube getting hot, as the blue copper sulfate pentahydrate is re-formed.

What happens when water is added to anhydrous copper II sulphate?

it changes colour from a white powder to a blue powder

What is the state of matter of Copper 2 Sulfate at room temperature?

Copper Sulphate is a powder at room temperature, therefore it is a solid.

Test for presence of water in anhydrous copper sulphate?

In the presence of water the white anhydrous copper sulfate become blue.

What colour is anhydrous copper sulphate once heated?

Anhydrous copper sulfate is white powder, heating makes no difference.

What is anhydrous copper sulphate?

The difference is that anhydrous copper(II) sulfate has no water of crystallisation. The anhydrous variant is a white solid while the hydrated variant is blue. Also, the chemical formula for hydrated copper(II) sulfate (or copper sulfate pentahydrate) is CuSO4.5H2O while that of the anhydrous one is CuSO4.

What is the chemical formula of anhydrous copper sulphate?

Anhydrous Copper sulfate has the chemical formula CuSO4.

What is anhydrous copper sulphide?

The chemical formulas of copper sulfides are CuS and Cu2S. Copper sulfides are non-stoichiometric compounds. Anhydrous meaning is without water. Copper sulfides hasn't hydrates.