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The Potential energy decreases as r increases.

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The value of the Gravitational Potential Energy decreases as the distance (r) between the objects increases. This is because the gravitational force weakens with distance, resulting in a decrease in potential energy as the objects move farther apart.

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Q: What happens to the value of the Gravitational Potential Energy of a system of objects as the value of r increases?
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What increases when the gravitational forces increase?

The acceleration due to gravity increases when gravitational forces increase, resulting in objects falling faster towards Earth's surface. Additionally, the gravitational potential energy also increases as objects are pulled stronger towards each other due to increased gravitational forces.

What happens to the gravitational attraction between two objects if one or both objects acquires more mass?

The gravitational attraction between two objects increases as the mass of one or both objects increases. This is because gravitational force is directly proportional to the mass of the objects. Therefore, the more massive the objects are, the stronger the gravitational attraction between them.

What happens to the gravitational force between two objects when their masses are increaded?

The gravitational force between two objects increases as their masses increase. This is because gravitational force is directly proportional to the product of the masses of the two objects. As the masses increase, the force of attraction between them also increases.

What two factors determine an objects gravitational potential energy?

PE=mgh. Potential energy is the product of mass x gravity x height.

Can gravitational potential energy be transferred between objects?

Gravitational potential energy can be transferred between objects when one object loses gravitational potential energy while another gains it. This transfer of energy typically occurs as objects move in a gravitational field, such as when an object falls from a height to the ground. The total amount of gravitational potential energy in the system remains constant, but it can be transferred between objects within the system.

Related questions

What increases when the gravitational forces increase?

The acceleration due to gravity increases when gravitational forces increase, resulting in objects falling faster towards Earth's surface. Additionally, the gravitational potential energy also increases as objects are pulled stronger towards each other due to increased gravitational forces.

What happens to the gravitational attraction between two objects if one or both objects acquires more mass?

The gravitational attraction between two objects increases as the mass of one or both objects increases. This is because gravitational force is directly proportional to the mass of the objects. Therefore, the more massive the objects are, the stronger the gravitational attraction between them.

What happens to the gravitational attraction of two objects when their distances increases?

It decreases as the square of the distance.

What happens to the gravitational force between two objects when their masses are increaded?

The gravitational force between two objects increases as their masses increase. This is because gravitational force is directly proportional to the product of the masses of the two objects. As the masses increase, the force of attraction between them also increases.

What two factors determine an objects gravitational potential energy?

PE=mgh. Potential energy is the product of mass x gravity x height.

Can gravitational potential energy be transferred between objects?

Gravitational potential energy can be transferred between objects when one object loses gravitational potential energy while another gains it. This transfer of energy typically occurs as objects move in a gravitational field, such as when an object falls from a height to the ground. The total amount of gravitational potential energy in the system remains constant, but it can be transferred between objects within the system.

What happens to the gravitational force between objects getting farther away A. it increases B. it decreases?

B. It decreases as the distance between the objects increases. The force of gravity follows an inverse square law, meaning that as the distance between two objects increases, the gravitational force between them decreases.

What changes with gravitational force?

Gravitational force changes with the mass of the objects and the distance between them. As mass increases, the gravitational force also increases. Similarly, as the distance between two objects increases, the gravitational force decreases.

What happens to the gravitational force between objects of the mass either or both objects increased?

Gravitational force is directly proportional to the product of masses. So as mass is increased then force too increases

What energy is related to an objects height?

Potential energy is related to an object's height, specifically gravitational potential energy. This type of energy increases with an object's height above the ground and is a measure of the work that can be done by gravity as the object falls.

What is gravitatonal energy?

Gravitational energy is the potential energy that an object possesses due to its position in a gravitational field. This energy is associated with the force of gravity and is determined by the height of the object above a reference point. Objects with gravitational energy have the potential to do work as they move towards the source of gravity.

What happens to the gravitation force between two objects if the distance between them is dicreased?

The gravitational force between two objects increases as the distance between them decreases. This is governed by the inverse square law, where the force is proportional to the inverse of the square of the distance between the objects. So, decreasing the distance leads to a stronger gravitational force.