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Viruses are Not killed with antibiotics need antivirus antibiotics

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Q: What happens to viruses when you take antibiotics?
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If you have two slides left with the topic of antibiotics what should they be?

What happens when we take them without needing them - eg for a cold or flu which are caused by viruses. What happens when there are no powerful antibiotics left to fight the super strains of bacteria.

Do antibiotics kills viruses?

No, antibiotics DO NOT kill viruses.

Do you take antibiotics for mono?

NO! Mononucleosis is caused by a virus. Antibiotics have no effect on viruses and can increase bacterial antibiotic resistance when misused.

Why don't anitibiotics work on virus?

Antibiotics do not work on viruses because viruses are not cells which can take in and out or be infected by specific processes.

Why are antibiotics unhelpful for fighting a common cold?

B. Colds are caused by viruses, and antibiotics only kill bacteria

Why can't antibiotics be used against viruses?

Because viruses are not bacteria. Antibiotics only work on bacteria. (Viruses are not actually alive . . . they enter a bacterium and take control of its function.)

Illness not affected by antibiotics?

Viruses run their course and antibiotics are not prescribed for them. Antibiotics work against bacterial illnesses. So, if you have a cold (virus), but get pneumonia (bacterial) you can take antibiotics to get better.

What effect does an antibiotic have on a viral disease?

Antibiotics don't help against viral diseases, so you shouldn't take them for colds and flus. Antibiotics only help against bacterial diseases, and even then you shouldn't take them w/o knowing which strain of bacteria is it that you have been infected with.

Are viruses treated with antibiotics?

No because antibiotics are ineffective when it comes to viruses. Viruses don't respond to them. sometimes it can help stop what pain your in, but it doesn't go away.

What are Pathogens that cannot be treated by antibiotics?

Antibiotics will not work in viruses.

How do diseases caused by bacteria and diseases caused by viruses react to antibiotics?

Disease caused by viruses cannot be cured by antibiotics. Antibiotics ONLY work on bacteria.

Why do antibiotics do not help teat viral infections?

Antibiotics treat bacterial infections, they have no affect on viruses. Vaccinations treat viruses.