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There can be many consequences including lack of judgment and harm to your lungs and your heart. It would not be a good thing to do because it is known as the "Gateway Drug" which means it can lead you to doing other drugs that can easily kill you. Also, marijuana is illegal so you could get into trouble with the law.

Answer: That guy is partly correct, at least with the legal aspects. If you get high off weed, you are essentially using it for the THC. THC is what gets you high. There are many ways to get THC, not just smoking so you won't harm your lungs. It's also been proven that it does little damage to the lungs, where as smoking cigarettes do significant damage. Either way it can irritate your lungs. You can brew marijuana into a tea and get the same effect as smoking it, it can be made into lip balm, baked into brownies and other sweets, or used as a herb in other kinds of food. The effects of weed vary from person to person, but generally it distorts your perception of things, such as time. It is widely used because it has the same effect as laughing gas, it just makes things fun and humorous to do. You still have full control of your body and you still know what is right and wrong and whether you are too high to be driving or not. It does not cloud your judgment in the least bit. Hunger is another side effect, so if you are on a diet, it's probably going to make you crave whatever you've cut out of your diet. It is also not a gateway drug, that has never been proven. Many people who smoke marijuana stick just to marijuana because it's safe, while like the other guy said, others can kill you. No one has died just from smoking marijuana, as you have to smoke your body weight or more for it to kill you. The only time you are at risk for death is if you have a preexisting condition of the heart, as it increases your heart beat immensely, so if you have a preexisting condition, do not smoke marijuana. It puts you at a higher risk for a heart attack. I hope this helps and I know it was long lol, just want the proper information to be stated. Good luck.

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14y ago

haha, anything can happen if youre trippin on marijuana. you'll most likely laugh and act really goofy though..

I recomend it:D You don't "trip" on marijuana. A Trip refers to hallucinations from things like LSD or Magic Mushrooms. Marijuana does not make you hallucinate at all.

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10y ago

1. You gain a tolerance, meaning the more you use, the more it will take to achieve a buzz. Tolerance can last a couple days to a week for a light smoker, and thirty to ninety days as a heavier smoker. It can cause moodiness if different amounts are used sporadically for extended periods of time because of the ups and downs of THC levels.

2. Smoking is bad for the lungs. Typical marijuana smokers don't use proper filtration techniques when smoking, so fine particles are trapped inside the lungs and repository tubes which can cause irritation and coughs etc. Marijuana is also known to contain tar which could potentially build up and cause different kinds of cancers, although it is not commonly reported.

3. Marijuana can induce laziness and lack of motivation in certain people, especially those with addictive personalities or who use it as a "crutch". Some may become emotionally dependant on marijuana.

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The only way to clear your body of marijuana is time. As long as you do not use, your body will eventually clear canabis toxins from your body to below traceble levels.

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No, it kills your body and your brain cells

Does marijuana that is baked do anything to your body?

If you a heavy marijuana user then no If your new to marijuana uses then use I haven't tried it, but in the 60s marijuana brownies were supposed to make people high.

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No. You can stop doing marijuana and use amphetamines instead, then it will no longer be in your system.

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no marijuana is good for you

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Marijuana takes about 2 to 6 weeks (or a month, on average) to completely leave your system.

Does marijuana use change urine smell?

Possibly if you fasted and only drank once (water only) for a day, then your body will only recycle the marijuana.

What happens if you get caught smoking marijuana in pa?

nothing happens. nothing happens.

What happens when you use marijuana?

U get high, mostly your hungrey, you shake, and think things are funnier then they actually are, AND YOUR HAPPY

Can marijuana stay in a kids body if they never smoked?

If the marijuana was inhaled it stays in your body for 30 days.