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A lot of that depends on your weight and physical condition... if you go too long without it it can cause weakness and just an over-all ill feeling for me at least... Over long term it can affect the health of your hair and skin if you have no fst... I'm no doctor though. It might be a good idea to at least have small amounts of healthy fats like Almonds or Avacadoes. Sorry if this wasn't helpfiul... P.S. Anyone know how to go back to my first post and flag it? I have some med questions and Im new to this site.

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Q: What happens to your body when you eat little to no fat?
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What happens if you eat to little fat?

because it does

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If Yuu Eat Too Much Yuu Get FAT

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If Yuu Eat Too Much Yuu Get FAT

What happens if you eat more fat then your body can use?

basically, you become fat or obese. if you eat more fat than required by your body it is stored in your body making you obese. going on diets or exercising regularly can prevent obesity

What happens when you eat too few vitamins?

You would be undernourished, as a result, the body will use the energy reserves it has, known as fat. If all fats are exaughted, the body will move to consuming proteins.If one would eat too little for too long, it would die of the simple fact that the body doesn't have the energy to sustain itself.

What happens to your body if you eat less carbohydrates?

nothing, your body doesnt need carbohydrates as much as protein,fat etc..

Can you get too little fat?

Yes you can. There is something that wilderness survivor schools call rabbit starvation. It can come from having nothing to eat but rabbit or other very low fat animals. When the body gets too little fat you can go into a state where you will no longer process the food you do eat correctly. Once this happens you can have sever digestive problems that lead to diarrhea and dehydration.

What happens when you eat a vegetable?

when you eat a vegetable, your body extracts the nutrients to help keep your body going. If you dont eat vegetables then you will become really fat and explode or die.

What happens if you eat too many carbohydrates what do they get stored as?

You will put on weight, as they are converted to fat, which is stored by the body.

Does your body eat muscle fat or body fat?

If you aren't eating, your body will eat the muscle fat before it eats the body fat. Don't try to not eat for the purpose of losing weight. You won't lose the body fat, and you will become very unhealthy.

What happens when you have no fat?

If you had no body fat, you would die. Everybody has (and needs!) body fat.

What happens if you eat to much fats?

ANSWER: Your body will absorb the fat and you will gain weight.