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your teeth will be very yellow and your fingertips will be brown

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10y ago

Smoking will cause your teeth to turn a yellow color after time from the tar out off the ciggerte smoke and will make your breath smell like stail smoke.

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Q: What will happen to your fingers and teeth if you smoke?
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What happens to your fingers and teeth if you smoke?

your teeth will be very yellow and your fingertips will be brown

What is the stuff you develop on your fingers and teeth that make then yellow if you smoke?

They are nicotine stains.

Why do cigar guys have missing fingers?

The connection you are trying to make may be between organized crime and the "giving" of fingers ( for failure of their duties)... who also happen to smoke cigars.

What wiil happen to you if you smoke?

The main thing that is going to happen is the pollution and near destruction of your lungs. Inhalation of smoke is in no way good for you. Your heart is also damaged by smoking. You can get heart diseases and your fingers, lips and teeth are damaged. Your fingertips will go yellow and your teeth will as well. Your lips will get chapped as the cherry on top of the sundae.I advise all and any to never ever smoke. Not only is it dangerous for you, but it is also dangerous for all the people to whom you are giving second hand smoke. You can die from smoking or you can suffer through the end weeks of your life. Kohl's is something you can get. You have to get a machine to breathe for you and everything is painful.You can also damage your fetus if you're pregnant.Do not smoke.

What can happen to you if you smoke?

if you smoke your nails go yellow, and be weak and you have stinky breath and yellow teeth and your lungs go black and you struggle to breath properly.

Can cigarettes stain or damage your teeth?

Yes they can because of the smoke you breath out which is black.As a 22 year smoker (quit 7 years ago), I can tell you yes, absolutely, cigarettes will both stain and damage your teeth. Nicotine stains your teeth, and fingers, an ugly yellow colour. Cigarette smoke damages your gums, which in turn, causes damage to your teeth. It doesn't happen immediately, but it will happen. My advice: don't even start, not even "just one or two, socially". Some of the harm that smoking causes will be repaired by your body after you quit (IF you can quit), but not all of it, and it will take years to recover.

How do your teeth rot when you smoke?

the smoke and bacteria and acid rot your teeth

What will happen if you smoke for 20 years?

You'll grow old, get yellow teeth, and smell like a cigarette butt.

What is a good age to smoke?

Not smoking at all is best, no age is good to smoke,it could cause cancer,teeth decay, you will smell. many things could happen

Why do people who smoke have bad teeth?

People who smoke to not have bad teeth, their teeth get stained if they smoke too much, and do not have them cleaned by their dentist every 6 months

When you smoke do it makes your teeth yellow?

When you smoke your teeth do go yellow and fall out gradually.

What is in the ground and in teeth fingers and necks?

Maybe germs? They're sometimes in the dirt, sometimes in fingers, but teeth and necks? I'm not sure.