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it canges to water or from solid to liquid

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Q: What happens when an ice cube is left in a saucer to melt?
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What happens to a cube of ice if it is left out on a table for 10 minutes?

It will melt because the hot air will melt it.

What happens if you melt an ice cube?

it will become water If you melt an ice cube it will melt

What happens to an ice cube that has been left on a table for 10 minutes?

Depends on the temperature of the room the table is in. If the temperature is below 32 degrees F then nothing will happen to the ice cube. If above 32 deg, the ice cube will melt. The higher above 32 the temperature is determines how long it will take to melt completely.

What happens to an ice cube after 5 minutes in a warm place?

It will begin to melt.

What happens when you squeeze ice?

Your hand will get cold and the ice cube will get warmer faster. That helps it melt faster.

Will an ice cube melt in oil?

If the oil is warmer than the ice cube then the ice will melt.

Does an ice cube melt faster on soil?

No, an ice cube doesn't melt faster in soil.

What happens when an ice cube is heated?

It will melt! But you have to add enough energy to equal the latent heat as well as to bring the ice up to the freezing point, if it is in a freezer to start it will be at about -21degC.

If a ice cube is left on a table for ten minutes what will happen to it?

it takes about 3-4 mins

What happens when you leave butter in the sun?

it melts

How long does an ice cube take to melt?

It depends on the size the temperature difference between the cube and surroundings

What happens to a chocolate bar if left in the sun?

A chocolate bar left in the sun will melt unless ambient temperature is very cold.